Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Women's Roles Within the Church Structure - 8

Post VIII from yesterday’s post

In the early 80's I worked on Capitol Hill for several years and I would like to share a few experiences with you. I used to cover hearings when NOW or Planned Parenthood were involved. Both organizations were looking for funding to help educate our children on their sexuality. The specific hearing I’m thinking of took place in 1981. Planned Parenthood produced a movie and wanted it shown in our elementary schools. You had to be 18 and older and were carded before entering the room where the movie was to be shown. I sat down next to an African American woman. She was gorgeous, poised, elegant and regal. She was introduced as the President of Planned Parenthood, Ms. Faye Waddleton. She presented her case with intelligence and grace until......

Senator Jeremiah Denton was the Senior Senator of the Title X program hearing. Title X grants government funding to organizations that are approved of by the committee. The movie was shown. It was a couple in the act of intercourse and they were not completely covered. In 1981 the movie would have been considered pornographic. Planned Parenthood wanted this movie shown to our 1st thru 6th graders. Senator Denton denied her petition. Ms. Waddleton stood up and started talking in guttural and graphic language. She changed from a poised career woman to a street wise woman in the blink of an eye.

Near the end of my Capitol Hill career I was taking the Metro, the underground train system, into the city. I was eight months pregnant and was waddling toward the seats saved for pregnant women. Two young men in their early to mid twenties pushed me out of the way, grabbed the two seats and laughed in my face. A woman had to get up and said loudly, “I guess I’ll have to be the man here and let this woman sit in my seat.” They ignored her and the woman gave me her seat. This is another example of feminism at work. Men are taught to disrespect women and women are taught to disrespect men. Our society is out of control because we have adopted and adapted to the feminist principles even to some extent within the church.

God intended for men and women to respect and honor each other. Since Adam and Eve and the fall our roles have been polluted with Satan’s lies. I truly believe that one of Satan’s biggest lies is the feminist movement. Does your belief system come from the Suffragette movement or the Feminist movement? If a person takes the time to look into both issues, it will truly change your outlook on the role of women today, especially within the church.

Earlier, I stated that I’m a Complemetarian and now I’ll add that I’m a Suffragette follower as well. I’m in the minority on the issue of women in church government, especially amongst women. Still, I’m comfortable with who I am. I don’t need to fight man for the top position within my church. I’m completely capable of doing the job, but why would I want to? My opinions are respected and taken seriously by both my husband and the church leaders. My voice is heard and taken into account, and like Deborah, Priscilla and Susan B. Anthony I am content with the purpose and role God has set for me to fulfill within and outside of the church.


  1. Colleen, I think your contributions and sensitivities to our corporate gatherings are extremely positive and of the Lord. I wish more women would speak up when they hear from the Lord because you are a wonderful example. Of course we all miss it ocassionally, but that's normal. Even leadership misses it, probably more than the prophetic contributors, so don't ever think for one second that you aren't appreciated and not only that, you are sorely missed when you are not there.

  2. Thank you Jerry. I'll explain things when I can. Right now I'm just to plain vulnerable and I have to work through some issues before I come back.
