Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Treasures Still Hidden in the Upper Room - 2

Part 2 From Yesterday’s Post

The more we allow Jesus into our heart’s the more of his character dwells within us. If you look in all four gospels you will see that Jesus serving others recurs over and over again. When he worked a miracle, he served. When he healed someone, he served. When he taught, he served. Jesus set a pattern. He’s teaching us, by example, that by putting other’s above himself he’s serving and worshiping God.

I began studying men with a servants heart in the Old Testament and they had three things in common. A heart of worship, death to self and a heart of service. They had failings, like the rest of us, but they were able to be used because of the three stated characteristics. Let’s take a look at a couple of these men.

The first person is Moses. Moses started out by killing a man and running for his life. (Exodus: 2-11-16). He even argued with God face to face and lived. (Ex. 3:4-17) God continued to talk to Moses through out the years and because of Moses servants heart, God entrusted him with the ten commandments. Moses was one of the biggest servants that I can think of in the Old Testament. He gave his life and served a rebellious people for over forty years. He acted as judge, councilor, guide, protector and teacher. He gave up his life for the Israelites.

The second person is David. David was known as a man after God’s own heart, (I Samuel 13:14) and a man of contradictions: David was a servant yet demanding. Humble yet arrogant. Generous yet selfish. Protector yet murderer. How could David, with all of his flaws, be used by God? Simple, David had a heart of worship, a heart of repentance and a heart of service. David knew that worship and service were key before God. David would do something wrong. God would convict him. David would repent, and wait for God’s forgiveness and answer. David worshiped God regardless of what he had done. David was willing to walk through the consequences of his actions, pick himself up and serve God once again.

Part 3, Tomorrow

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