Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Women's Roles Within the Church Structure - 3

Part III, from yesterday’s post

In the New Testament Egalitarians use the example of Priscilla from the Book of Acts. It states that Priscilla and her husband, Aquinas, led and taught people within their home. Several times in the New Testament, Priscilla’s name is listed before her husband’s. Historically that is astounding, but I have never seen a clear reason for it. Therefore, I believe it needs to be put into context.

If Priscilla was a governmental leader within the church, she would have been recognized and ordained by either Paul, James or Peter, who were the church governmental leaders in their time. One could argue that it may have happened but not stated. I just don’t think that’s possible. God knew that in the next 2000 years woman’s roles within the church structure would become an issue. Since God is the author of the Bible, I have to believe that he wouldn’t leave me or any other women in question as to his intentions on this controversial issue. To put Priscilla in a governmental position, within the church, without fact, is conjecture at best.

Many argue that the Apostle Paul might have contradicted himself on woman’s roles within the different books of the New Testament. Paul wrote more than 1/3 of the New Testament and I believe Paul would not contradict Paul. If he changed his direction and or opinion, he would have said so. Paul clearly stated that women will not teach men. We either believe the word is infallible or not. Too many people make scripture say exactly what they want it to say. Paul’s argument for woman’s role within the church is based on creation in Genesis 1 rather than based on societal issues. He was writing a statement for all time and not just for his day.

Part IV, tomorrow


  1. If it had not been for a woman teacher, I'm not even sure my walk with the Lord would be where it is today. She installed within me and my wife, very deep roots of the Word that have given me strength and faith for over 27 years now. Even though her husband was there at times, it was her teaching that encouraged me and put me on the right path, that very narrow path, that we must stay on to maintain our relationship with Him. I thank God for that woman teacher. Her name was Carol Jacobs and it was in Florence, AL.

  2. Just one more comment. There are many times in the Word of God that certain things are left out. It's called Redemptive History. If it doesn't have anything to do with the redemption of man, then it has no reason to be in the Scriptures. An example; what was Jesus doing between the ages of 12 and 30? It's not in the Scriptures because it was of no importance because it had nothing to do with the Redemption of Man. That's why certain facts aren't stated.

  3. Thank you Jerry. I was speaking of women in the top governmental positions "The Pastor", Bruce position within the church. I believe women can be whatever they want to be, even the President of the United States. I believe when Paul speaks on the issue, he's speaking from creation and not social issue. I believe women can teach the word of God. I think Priscilla did teach. She was even better than her husband. That's probably why she was listed first. However, there is no where that I can think of where women were in Bruce's position. We have to believe that if it's not spoken of then God didn't want it to be. We have to believe he is the author of his word, even using us fallible creatures to write it. I have to believe that God wouldn't allow a mistake in his word.

  4. Well, I for one think she is doing a great job!

  5. I totally agree Colleen, but you'll have to give me an example where a woman was not allowed to be in that position. Bruce began this church in his home after selling his ranch and selling out to the Lord. All of the people that came to Jackson with Bruce looked to him as their pastor. I have never been in the position to see or experience a woman actually doing that same thing. And I've never seen one pastor a church from the very beginning. I've known some that have wanted to take over as pastor but not start a church on their own like Bruce did. I guess I'll need an example before I can comment on the subject as a whole. I think you're doing a great job laying the foundation for that to happen though, so keep up the good work. Maybe your Blogs will inspire a woman to do just that. That's my prayer.

  6. Jerry, sorry it took so long to get back to you. The to most obvious places are in the NT and are I Corinthians 11. Paul talks about God is the headship over Christ. Christ is the headship over man. Man is the headship over woman. Paul drove his point home by using God's stated purpose through creation in Genesis 1.

    In I Timothy 2 Paul goes into the distinction between men and women. The main point is that man came first and woman came out of man. Eve was the first deceived. She was deceived before the actual fall. Vs. 12 tells everyone that man will not be taught by a woman. Again, I believe that has to go with the Pastoral position and not educational.

    In I Timothy 3, " he, his or the husband of one wife", shows up 12 times. It clearly states that the wives of.....states God's intention on how they are to act when a husband is in governmental ministry.

    Next week I will be finishing out my current article. Your question has given me my next article. I will go more fully into all that I've said here the following week. I appreciate all of your input. Keep it up.
