Thursday, June 25, 2009

Women's Roles Within the Church Structure - 4

Part IV from yesterday’s post

I am a firm believer in the now and not yet Kingdom of God principle. I believe that when Jesus died the Kingdom of God was once again restored . However, we still live in a fallen state and have to live within the boundaries that we have created for ourselves. I have heard it argued within the now and not yet philosophy that before the fall, Adam and Eve were equal therefore women should be able to function within any church leadership capacity to help restore God’s original design for women.

God created perfection, resulting in paradise. Adam and Eve worked side by side with a personal relationship with God. There was no distinction between them before the fall. After the fall man created a wall between him and God. Some theologian’s debate comes across as if God wasn’t quite aware that the fall would take place and had to put plan B into effect afterwords. God is omniscient and knew before he created everything that Adam and Eve were going to fall and made his plans accordingly from the beginning.

In Genesis 1 it clearly states that God created Adam and Eve to rule over the animals, the produce, the seas and so forth. I see no evidence that they were to rule over man. There is no mention of authoritative structure, let alone church structure before the fall. There was no need, God was their structure.

In heaven we will not be as we are now and what we know ourselves to be. If someone wants to go on the premise of what Eve did before the fall, that's fine. Eve was not given autonomous church governmental authority in paradise. When we finally cross over into our glorious home, heaven, there will be plenty of change, but not what people are debating about. There will be no more sin or need to prove oneself. We will all be unified in God’s unique purpose and plan, so there will be no more need for authoritative structure being in place in order for things to run smoothly. We may not even know or understand what that means since man’s authority over man started after the fall.

Part V, tomorrow

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