(Part 2 from yesterday's post)
There is a remnant of the church that has heard the call from God. They are responding to wake up, repent (turn away from the things that have separated ourselves from entering into God presence) and pray for God's mighty power to be released on the church and nation. The children of God who have responded are praying and sending worship, repentance and a cry for mercy up to heaven. In response, God’s powerful presence is on it’s way to engulf his people.
The people that think they have re-subdued and defeated the church and nation are not paying attention. They don't see what's happening below the surface of this nation. People are scared, angry and getting upset with the direction the enemy is pushing our nation towards. The enemy is arrogant and feels that they can't be defeated. They are shaking their fist at God mocking him.
God will not be mocked, but he's also very patient. The Lord is preparing his people and when the time is right the Lord will strike with power and authority when the enemy is unaware. The nation will come into a great awakening. It will not be brought about by man’s efforts but by a holy move of God. It will affect the nations outlook and affect how the nation will be run for many years to come.
Part 3 - Tomorrow
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Is Our Nation Beyond Repair? - Part 1
God is the creator of the universe. He created the heavens, the earth, the seas, animals, and humans. The Bible clearly states that we are created in his image. God loves us as his children and he wants to communicate with us. He uses different ways of communication so that we can hear him and communicate back with him. When I was praying for the nation one day, I saw what seemed like a dream when I was awake. I believe it was God communicating with me so that I can share with you what I saw. This is what I saw:
A statue of Uncle Sam was standing in the middle of the nation. It was decayed and structurally, very weak. Ropes were attached all over the statue. Beautifully dressed people were pulling the ropes taught and they started pulling the statute down.
At the bottom of the statue were God's people laying all over the ground. They were dressed in rags, begging for their daily bread and water. They were scared and subservient. They stood up and started to watch the statue sway while it moved from it’s foundations. A lot of God's people were staring at the statute and then they ran behind it.
The statue fell over and a massive cloud of dust rose in the air. The enemy was dancing and rejoicing and didn’t notice what was going on behind the statue. A massive army of warships stood waiting to be released into war.
Something was starting to replace the statue. It was translucent and trickled down from heaven. It was the presence of God and powerful worship and intercession arose from the army. When the worship arose, the Lord released the ships and they went to all of the people who helped to pull down the statue and defeated them one by one. All were defeated.
I thought about this for a long time. I asked God, what does the statute represent? I believe it's the church. Most of the church, the bride of Christ, has become so decayed and poverty stricken she doesn't even realize it. I believe the old structure of religiosity, self centered importance and inward focused programs are coming down. God is getting ready to birth a new church based on him.
Part 2 Tomorrow
A statue of Uncle Sam was standing in the middle of the nation. It was decayed and structurally, very weak. Ropes were attached all over the statue. Beautifully dressed people were pulling the ropes taught and they started pulling the statute down.
At the bottom of the statue were God's people laying all over the ground. They were dressed in rags, begging for their daily bread and water. They were scared and subservient. They stood up and started to watch the statue sway while it moved from it’s foundations. A lot of God's people were staring at the statute and then they ran behind it.
The statue fell over and a massive cloud of dust rose in the air. The enemy was dancing and rejoicing and didn’t notice what was going on behind the statue. A massive army of warships stood waiting to be released into war.
Something was starting to replace the statue. It was translucent and trickled down from heaven. It was the presence of God and powerful worship and intercession arose from the army. When the worship arose, the Lord released the ships and they went to all of the people who helped to pull down the statue and defeated them one by one. All were defeated.
I thought about this for a long time. I asked God, what does the statute represent? I believe it's the church. Most of the church, the bride of Christ, has become so decayed and poverty stricken she doesn't even realize it. I believe the old structure of religiosity, self centered importance and inward focused programs are coming down. God is getting ready to birth a new church based on him.
Part 2 Tomorrow
Friday, March 27, 2009
Enter Into The Courts Of The King - Part 5
We have always had worship and the presence of God, but why is it so intense right now? The answer lies in what’s going on around us. Whenever the Lord prepares to bring about a massive change for a nation and or the world, he pours out his presence on his people so that they can be empowered with grace, wisdom and authority. God’s empowerment allows us to see God’s vision of what he wants to accomplish and how we are to help bring it into fruition.
We, as the church, have been enjoying and playing in God’s intimate presence for a while now. I believe he’s bringing us to a place where we are going to have to make a choice. Will we continue to play, or will we allow God to change and use us. This is the time for the church to shine when everything seems turned upside down and hopeless in the world. If we as God’s people can use God’s intimate presence as a stepping stone, we will radically change the world.
We must stop looking at ourselves and our own agendas. When we do we’ll see that the Lord has given us the tools. Himself. If we come before God’s throne and worship him, he will touch us with himself. His grace will give us the ability to get rid of the garbage in our lives and his mercy will show us the next step we need to take and to help produce his kingdom here on earth.
We, as the church, have been enjoying and playing in God’s intimate presence for a while now. I believe he’s bringing us to a place where we are going to have to make a choice. Will we continue to play, or will we allow God to change and use us. This is the time for the church to shine when everything seems turned upside down and hopeless in the world. If we as God’s people can use God’s intimate presence as a stepping stone, we will radically change the world.
We must stop looking at ourselves and our own agendas. When we do we’ll see that the Lord has given us the tools. Himself. If we come before God’s throne and worship him, he will touch us with himself. His grace will give us the ability to get rid of the garbage in our lives and his mercy will show us the next step we need to take and to help produce his kingdom here on earth.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Enter Into The Courts Of The King - Part 4
Here are a few examples of people that had an intimate relationship with God and because of it, changed history. In Genesis, the Old Testament, in the Bible is Abraham. Abraham helped to create the beginnings of the nation of Israel. Joseph, also in Genesis, saved his people, the Jews, from annihilation. King David is in the books of Chronicles and Kings in the Old Testament. David was known for his intimate worship and love of God. David sinned greatly, but when he was confronted he repented with his whole heart. David brought the nation of Israel into it’s glory days. It was the most powerful nation of its time.
The twelve disciples in the New Testament knew Jesus personally and spread the gospel to the Jews. Paul who wrote over 1/3 of the New Testament helped to spread the gospel to the gentiles. Martin Luther, founder of the Protestant Reformation created a stir in the early 1500's. He stood against church heresy and helped to bring God’s saving grace to a whole continent. Charles Finney was a big evangelist in the 1800's. Finney sent a man into a city to pray one week before his arrival. Revival broke out everywhere he went, and sometimes without his saying a word. Finney helped to bring the gospel to a whole nation. There are many, many more who have changed history with their love of God and their obedience.
Part 5, Tomorrow
The twelve disciples in the New Testament knew Jesus personally and spread the gospel to the Jews. Paul who wrote over 1/3 of the New Testament helped to spread the gospel to the gentiles. Martin Luther, founder of the Protestant Reformation created a stir in the early 1500's. He stood against church heresy and helped to bring God’s saving grace to a whole continent. Charles Finney was a big evangelist in the 1800's. Finney sent a man into a city to pray one week before his arrival. Revival broke out everywhere he went, and sometimes without his saying a word. Finney helped to bring the gospel to a whole nation. There are many, many more who have changed history with their love of God and their obedience.
Part 5, Tomorrow
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Enter Into The Courts Of The King - Part 3
The Lord’s presence is a gift that he gives to his children, but it’s not without cost. The price is everything we own, all that we are, our dreams and all of the people we care about. How are we to pay such a price? We can’t, not on our own. Each time we worship God, we hand over a small part of ourselves to him and he in return replaces that part with his character. God’s gracious gift of himself is what allows us to walk deeper into his own presence. The more we give of ourselves to the Lord in worship, the more we are changed into his likeness. God’s presence inside of us is what gives us the ability to accomplish whatever he asks of us.
The Lord uses people that are willing to come before him. God never forces his will on anyone, but waits patiently until we are ready to give our all for him. I started thinking of different times in history when the Lord used people to help bring about his glory in their era. Each person was flawed, and with as much sin in their lives as anyone else. What made them different were the choices they made. All were worshipers and had a close relationship with God and or Jesus. Each one made massive mistakes, but when they did they cried out to God, repented and went on with God’s original plans for them.
Part 4, Tomorrow
The Lord uses people that are willing to come before him. God never forces his will on anyone, but waits patiently until we are ready to give our all for him. I started thinking of different times in history when the Lord used people to help bring about his glory in their era. Each person was flawed, and with as much sin in their lives as anyone else. What made them different were the choices they made. All were worshipers and had a close relationship with God and or Jesus. Each one made massive mistakes, but when they did they cried out to God, repented and went on with God’s original plans for them.
Part 4, Tomorrow
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Enter Into The Courts Of The King - Part 2
When we experience the intimacy of God, we are changed forever. We no longer want our own desires to be fulfilled. We want what the Lord wants and we don’t care who gets the credit for it. Our focus changes from being on ourselves to being on Jesus. God’s presence causes a hunger so deep within us, that we want more and more. Entering God’s presence also creates a desire to get rid of any obstacle (sin) that can keep us from coming before him.
God has spoken to many people through out history. I believe the Lord is still speaking today and if we search him out we can hear what he’s telling us. It can be through the Bible, through a song, a person, or a thought, even nature itself. If we believe that God is the creator of everything than it’s logical to believe that he can use whatever he wants to communicate with us. We just have to be willing to believe that he can and will do this.
During my prayer time at the church I was seeking the Lord praying for the church, the nation and direction for myself. I was praying about many things. While I was at the church building, I sensed God asking me one question over and over again. “Are you willing to die for me?” I admit I wasn’t thrilled with the question, so, I asked are you talking about spiritual, physical or emotional death? Silence filled the room. I didn’t receive an answer, but a sense of knowing that my answer had to come first. I seriously had to count the cost and not give a fast, flippant or religious answer. I knew my decision would be honored either way I went . I didn’t make my decision lightly but I said yes. Over a period of time, my answer to God’s simplest, yet hardest question has changed my life.
Part 3, Tomorrow
God has spoken to many people through out history. I believe the Lord is still speaking today and if we search him out we can hear what he’s telling us. It can be through the Bible, through a song, a person, or a thought, even nature itself. If we believe that God is the creator of everything than it’s logical to believe that he can use whatever he wants to communicate with us. We just have to be willing to believe that he can and will do this.
During my prayer time at the church I was seeking the Lord praying for the church, the nation and direction for myself. I was praying about many things. While I was at the church building, I sensed God asking me one question over and over again. “Are you willing to die for me?” I admit I wasn’t thrilled with the question, so, I asked are you talking about spiritual, physical or emotional death? Silence filled the room. I didn’t receive an answer, but a sense of knowing that my answer had to come first. I seriously had to count the cost and not give a fast, flippant or religious answer. I knew my decision would be honored either way I went . I didn’t make my decision lightly but I said yes. Over a period of time, my answer to God’s simplest, yet hardest question has changed my life.
Part 3, Tomorrow
Monday, March 23, 2009
Enter Into The Courts Of The King - Part 1
Several years ago, the Lord called me to go to our church building to pray. I thought I was starting a prayer ministry, but it turned out to be a season for me alone. The Lord touched me in the most intimate way, and at the same time I started feeling the weight of sin on my back. I asked the Lord, why is it that the more I come before you, the more I see all of the things that need to change within me? I realized that the Lord created our relationship to be this way.
Everyone needs to understand what sin is. In the first book of the Bible, Genesis, the first two people God created were Adam and Eve. They had perfect unity with God, their creator. Until one day they made a decision behind God’s back and tried to hide it. When God confronted them they shifted the blame to each other. Their decision put a wall between them and God. Sin was born. Sin is turning our backs on God and doing our own thing. Sin separates us from God because God is sinless.
God can not tolerate sin, but he also wants a relationship with us so he created a unique way for allowing us to come before him.. 1) God pours out his presence 2) which produces a hunger for repentance (Repentance is turning and walking away from something that separates us from God’s presence). 3) that helps us to accept God’s leading in our lives. It must be understood that this process can only work for a person after he or she acknowledges their separation from God. It must also be understood that God sent his Son Jesus to live as a man and then die when he committed no crime. Jesus was without sin. Jesus died so that we can have access to God once again.
Part II Tomrrow
Everyone needs to understand what sin is. In the first book of the Bible, Genesis, the first two people God created were Adam and Eve. They had perfect unity with God, their creator. Until one day they made a decision behind God’s back and tried to hide it. When God confronted them they shifted the blame to each other. Their decision put a wall between them and God. Sin was born. Sin is turning our backs on God and doing our own thing. Sin separates us from God because God is sinless.
God can not tolerate sin, but he also wants a relationship with us so he created a unique way for allowing us to come before him.. 1) God pours out his presence 2) which produces a hunger for repentance (Repentance is turning and walking away from something that separates us from God’s presence). 3) that helps us to accept God’s leading in our lives. It must be understood that this process can only work for a person after he or she acknowledges their separation from God. It must also be understood that God sent his Son Jesus to live as a man and then die when he committed no crime. Jesus was without sin. Jesus died so that we can have access to God once again.
Part II Tomrrow
Thursday, March 19, 2009
"My Dog Pup"

"My Dog Pup"
My dog Smokey is a normal pup,
He runs and plays until he stares up
He sits in his bush, stares and searches,
looking for that certain thing that lurches
He will sit for hours until he sees
That gray adversary playing in the the trees
He starts to shake until he springs
Chasing his adversary wishing he had wings
As his opponent jumps up a tree
he circles around it with great jubilee
His adversary won't come down and play
Smokey walks away knowing there is another day
I'd like to think that everyone has childhood memories that are fun. Hopefully this will let you laugh and remember some fond memories of when you were a child. My mother's heart is bursting with pride as I write this, remembering the little boy who loved his dog and the man he now is that still loves his dog.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Journey of Life
Imagine you’re in a car having sweet conversation with the driver. A beautiful set of mountains appear on the horizon. You and your companion decide to go up the mountain. While driving you come to an overview of a valley. The driver pulls in and waits in the car as you get out and take a long look. The valley is barren and desolate. Getting back into the car you comment: it’s ugly, and I sure wouldn’t want to live there. Would you believe that the name of that valley is the Valley Of Complaining.
Shaking off unease, conversation starts up again. At the foot of the mountain is a quaint, little village with cute little shops lining the road. The window displays were capable of showing you your hearts desire. You stop talking and look thinking: “I don’t have many of those things and my neighbor does”. Sighing, you realize you’re on Envious Lane turning onto Discontent Ave.
You look out of the window because you don’t feel like talking that much any more. On the outskirts of the city a crystal blue lake catches your eye. You smile at the driver and he pulls into the parking lot. The lake is as clear as glass. The driver once again stays in the car. At the edge of the lake you stop and stare at yourself thinking in disgust: I’ve gained 10 pounds and my sister looks better than ever. You notice the lake’s name: Lake of Self Reflection or better known to the locals as Comparison Lake
The driver gives you a gentle smile. He starts the car and decides to go up another mountain. You hunch in your seat and stare straight ahead. Talking is the last thing you want to do. Another overview comes up. The driver pulls in once again staying in the car. You walk to the edge and panic overwhelms you. Heights have never bothered you before. Running back to the car you realize that this lookout is famous. The Lookout Of Fear.
The road gets narrower and broken in places while going down the other side of the mountain. You enter a dense forest. It’s so dense that no glimmer of light can shine through the trees. Silence fills the car, you close your eyes and start to think, will this forest never end. Suddenly sunshine hits your face and you turn around to look back at the forest, completely missing it’s name. National Park of Worry.
At the bottom of the mountain you look into your rear view mirror and think about all of the things that you went through on your journey. You relive each moment and become increasingly annoyed. You’ve had it and want the journey to end, never realizing that you were looking in the rear view mirror of Anger and Past Reflection.
Dark, dense fog swallows the car and you start mumbling, oh great...... who’s going to hear me anyhow. Who’s going to care. You were so busy thinking about yourself that you didn’t even realize that you had just passed through the Fog Of Self Pity.
The driver comes to the bottom of the mountain and comes to a split in the road: Around the Mountain Bend or Straight And Narrow Path. The Driver stops and gets out. He walks around and opens the passenger door and says, it’s time, you alone can choose how the journey will end.
The journey of this story started around ten years ago. I originally wrote it for fun. Then, I started absorbing the words and they began to open my eyes. I began to realize that I had traveled to every spot during my own journey in life. Each place I visited, I had to make a choice. Will I choose my own way or the way that Jesus has mapped out for us. Each of us has to make the same choices during our journey and hopefully this story will help you to choose the right ones along the way of your own journey.
Shaking off unease, conversation starts up again. At the foot of the mountain is a quaint, little village with cute little shops lining the road. The window displays were capable of showing you your hearts desire. You stop talking and look thinking: “I don’t have many of those things and my neighbor does”. Sighing, you realize you’re on Envious Lane turning onto Discontent Ave.
You look out of the window because you don’t feel like talking that much any more. On the outskirts of the city a crystal blue lake catches your eye. You smile at the driver and he pulls into the parking lot. The lake is as clear as glass. The driver once again stays in the car. At the edge of the lake you stop and stare at yourself thinking in disgust: I’ve gained 10 pounds and my sister looks better than ever. You notice the lake’s name: Lake of Self Reflection or better known to the locals as Comparison Lake
The driver gives you a gentle smile. He starts the car and decides to go up another mountain. You hunch in your seat and stare straight ahead. Talking is the last thing you want to do. Another overview comes up. The driver pulls in once again staying in the car. You walk to the edge and panic overwhelms you. Heights have never bothered you before. Running back to the car you realize that this lookout is famous. The Lookout Of Fear.
The road gets narrower and broken in places while going down the other side of the mountain. You enter a dense forest. It’s so dense that no glimmer of light can shine through the trees. Silence fills the car, you close your eyes and start to think, will this forest never end. Suddenly sunshine hits your face and you turn around to look back at the forest, completely missing it’s name. National Park of Worry.
At the bottom of the mountain you look into your rear view mirror and think about all of the things that you went through on your journey. You relive each moment and become increasingly annoyed. You’ve had it and want the journey to end, never realizing that you were looking in the rear view mirror of Anger and Past Reflection.
Dark, dense fog swallows the car and you start mumbling, oh great...... who’s going to hear me anyhow. Who’s going to care. You were so busy thinking about yourself that you didn’t even realize that you had just passed through the Fog Of Self Pity.
The driver comes to the bottom of the mountain and comes to a split in the road: Around the Mountain Bend or Straight And Narrow Path. The Driver stops and gets out. He walks around and opens the passenger door and says, it’s time, you alone can choose how the journey will end.
The journey of this story started around ten years ago. I originally wrote it for fun. Then, I started absorbing the words and they began to open my eyes. I began to realize that I had traveled to every spot during my own journey in life. Each place I visited, I had to make a choice. Will I choose my own way or the way that Jesus has mapped out for us. Each of us has to make the same choices during our journey and hopefully this story will help you to choose the right ones along the way of your own journey.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Winds of Change (Part 3)
As I stated earlier, our nation is in trouble. No one can disagree with that. But this where I part company with many. I believe God’s hand is all over this situation. For several years now God has been amercing his people with his intimate presence. I believe several things has been taking place because of this. Jesus has been calling his people out of legalism and ritualism and into a time of repentance. By repentance I mean that we hunger for the God’s presence so much, that we will get rid of anything that stands in the way of our coming before him once again.
For the past few years the Lord has been teaching me not to go by what I see, but what he says. This has helped me to look beyond the natural and look to God regardless of what’s happening. I believe the hand of God is touching his people. The time of courtship is over. God is getting ready to move and will only take the people who are willing to follow him now and leave the rest behind. The ones that choose to stay behind, in their complacency, will live out their lives in their decaying church walls.
Our history is about to make a radical turn and many things will never be the same again. I believe God is getting ready to do something unprecedented. No one knows what it is because when it happens no man will be able to claim responsibility for it. I believe it will be so radical that it will affect every institution in our nation from the Presidency on down.
I’ve heard two camps of thought that I think both are wrong. One is that our nation is doomed and will fall. The other is that we will go back to the time of Beaver Cleaver goodness and everything will go back to the way it was. One thing history has taught me and that is that we can never go back. Either belief brings delusion and destruction. We have to seek God for today and each day be willing to hear a new answer. I believe this is a time of totally trusting God in every area of our lives especially when it pushes us out of our comfort zones.
Jesus is asking us a few questions. 1) are you willing to die for me 2) are you willing to do what I say even if it doesn’t make sense in the natural 3) and are you willing to pray and pay any cost that I require of you. Jesus has asked me these questions and it took me a long time before I answered them. I wanted re-assurance and Jesus gave me none. He waited for my answer and didn’t answer me until I gave him mine.
Jesus is asking each one of us the same questions and is awaiting our reply. Think long and hard before you answer, the cost is everything. The rewards however will be totally worth it. We will be able to know that we are to take part in a special time in history. We can’t participate with a partial commitment when it’s a convenient time attitude. It’s time for a total surrender commitment to become a part of God’s destiny for ourselves and our nation.
Each time history has changed, it’s been in the middle of chaos. God always prepares his people beforehand and tells them in advance what he wants us to know. It’s never been done the same way twice and I believe that this time will be no different. God is moving and now it’s up to us to choose if we want to be part of what’s going on. I believe it will be more radical and it will have greater and farther reaching consequences than any of us can imagine. I think that is why he’s not letting his people in on the what’s of what he’s going to do. Jesus will be glorified and no man will be able to lay claim to what’s coming or how it’s done.
For the past few years the Lord has been teaching me not to go by what I see, but what he says. This has helped me to look beyond the natural and look to God regardless of what’s happening. I believe the hand of God is touching his people. The time of courtship is over. God is getting ready to move and will only take the people who are willing to follow him now and leave the rest behind. The ones that choose to stay behind, in their complacency, will live out their lives in their decaying church walls.
Our history is about to make a radical turn and many things will never be the same again. I believe God is getting ready to do something unprecedented. No one knows what it is because when it happens no man will be able to claim responsibility for it. I believe it will be so radical that it will affect every institution in our nation from the Presidency on down.
I’ve heard two camps of thought that I think both are wrong. One is that our nation is doomed and will fall. The other is that we will go back to the time of Beaver Cleaver goodness and everything will go back to the way it was. One thing history has taught me and that is that we can never go back. Either belief brings delusion and destruction. We have to seek God for today and each day be willing to hear a new answer. I believe this is a time of totally trusting God in every area of our lives especially when it pushes us out of our comfort zones.
Jesus is asking us a few questions. 1) are you willing to die for me 2) are you willing to do what I say even if it doesn’t make sense in the natural 3) and are you willing to pray and pay any cost that I require of you. Jesus has asked me these questions and it took me a long time before I answered them. I wanted re-assurance and Jesus gave me none. He waited for my answer and didn’t answer me until I gave him mine.
Jesus is asking each one of us the same questions and is awaiting our reply. Think long and hard before you answer, the cost is everything. The rewards however will be totally worth it. We will be able to know that we are to take part in a special time in history. We can’t participate with a partial commitment when it’s a convenient time attitude. It’s time for a total surrender commitment to become a part of God’s destiny for ourselves and our nation.
Each time history has changed, it’s been in the middle of chaos. God always prepares his people beforehand and tells them in advance what he wants us to know. It’s never been done the same way twice and I believe that this time will be no different. God is moving and now it’s up to us to choose if we want to be part of what’s going on. I believe it will be more radical and it will have greater and farther reaching consequences than any of us can imagine. I think that is why he’s not letting his people in on the what’s of what he’s going to do. Jesus will be glorified and no man will be able to lay claim to what’s coming or how it’s done.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Winds of Change (Part 2)
I strongly believe that God has a specific destiny for our nation. One that we've veered away from. When a nation pushes God aside, he will shake her foundation stones so that radical change takes place to bring her back on course once again. Israel veered off course many times during its long history. If we take the time to study some of her past, we may benefit and learn from her past mistakes. Hopefully we can learn from her experience and knowledge left behind for us to use.
The story of Joseph in the book of Exodus in the Bible is a good example. Joseph was sent into captivity and was there for many years. He slowly arose in rank and became a power within the Egyptian culture. All of this was so that a baby named Moses, a Hebrew, could be born in Egypt. Moses also became a prince, but he had to run for his life because he committed murder. God called Moses to go back to Egypt, the one place that Moses did not want to return to. God wanted Moses to confront Pharaoh because of his cruelty to the Hebrews. Moses returned and confronted Pharaoh. Moses stood up in the harshest of circumstances and didn’t back down on what God told him to do or say. Because of Moses’ faithfulness and willingness to obey when everything was pitted against him God rescued the Jews.
Another pivotal time in history was during the life of Jeremiah. Jeremiah was a prophet right before the Jews went into captivity in Babylon. Jeremiah spoke the truth to his people and was severely persecuted for it. Jeremiah told the people that they were going into captivity, but if they didn’t resist, God would be with them, protect them and release them after seventy years. Many people resisted and ran and died, just as Jeremiah said would happen. The ones that followed what God said through Jeremiah were protected. The land of Israel was destroyed, but her people and her future was not. Jeremiah was offered a life of luxury in Babylon. He refused it because as a prophet, he knew his place was still with his people.
Daniel was a young man that was carried into captivity by the Babylonians. He knew God intimately. Daniel become part of the Babylonian culture without losing his principles and his identity as a Jew. Daniel was a man of prayer. Three times a day he knelt facing Jerusalem and prayed for God to bring about his perfect will. The government made a law that for one day no one was allowed to pray to any god but King Nebuchadnezzar under order of death. Daniel continued to pray and was thrown into the lions den. Daniel was protected by God and came out without a scratch. Daniel trusted God over man. Daniel became a close advisor to many of the Babylonians kings. Daniel knew he was to be an influence to help protect his people in a culture that despised the Jews.
(Part 3 tomorrow)
The story of Joseph in the book of Exodus in the Bible is a good example. Joseph was sent into captivity and was there for many years. He slowly arose in rank and became a power within the Egyptian culture. All of this was so that a baby named Moses, a Hebrew, could be born in Egypt. Moses also became a prince, but he had to run for his life because he committed murder. God called Moses to go back to Egypt, the one place that Moses did not want to return to. God wanted Moses to confront Pharaoh because of his cruelty to the Hebrews. Moses returned and confronted Pharaoh. Moses stood up in the harshest of circumstances and didn’t back down on what God told him to do or say. Because of Moses’ faithfulness and willingness to obey when everything was pitted against him God rescued the Jews.
Another pivotal time in history was during the life of Jeremiah. Jeremiah was a prophet right before the Jews went into captivity in Babylon. Jeremiah spoke the truth to his people and was severely persecuted for it. Jeremiah told the people that they were going into captivity, but if they didn’t resist, God would be with them, protect them and release them after seventy years. Many people resisted and ran and died, just as Jeremiah said would happen. The ones that followed what God said through Jeremiah were protected. The land of Israel was destroyed, but her people and her future was not. Jeremiah was offered a life of luxury in Babylon. He refused it because as a prophet, he knew his place was still with his people.
Daniel was a young man that was carried into captivity by the Babylonians. He knew God intimately. Daniel become part of the Babylonian culture without losing his principles and his identity as a Jew. Daniel was a man of prayer. Three times a day he knelt facing Jerusalem and prayed for God to bring about his perfect will. The government made a law that for one day no one was allowed to pray to any god but King Nebuchadnezzar under order of death. Daniel continued to pray and was thrown into the lions den. Daniel was protected by God and came out without a scratch. Daniel trusted God over man. Daniel became a close advisor to many of the Babylonians kings. Daniel knew he was to be an influence to help protect his people in a culture that despised the Jews.
(Part 3 tomorrow)
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Winds of Change (Part 1)
“Scatter, no wait, maybe if we go left we’ll find peace. Then again, if we go right we might find financial security. Maybe if we leave this place, we can leave all of the uncertainty behind.”
People are searching for answers. They are looking for security, peace and days gone by where everything made sense. We live in a time where everything seems to have fallen apart in a very short period of time. Our government has failed us. Their self importance doesn’t allow them to take our votes seriously anymore. They restructure the system when the votes don’t come out the way they want. Our judicial system has failed us. They are legislating from the bench and are telling everyone that they have the power to make laws regardless of legislation or the people’s will. The media has failed us. They have an agenda and are trying to tell us what we need to believe. The financial system has failed us. Wall Street is floundering and doesn’t have the power to save our nation from financial ruin. The educational system has failed us. We have the highest rate of uneducated graduates in history. The entertainment industry has failed us. Their supposed family friendly entertainment mocks everything this nation once stood for. The church has failed us. They stopped being the moral barometer for this nation a long time ago and became introverted. They're content existing within their four walls.
"One nation under God." Our founding father’s believed in four simple, but astounding words. They stood up against religious persecution, tyranny and were willing to lay their lives down to bring about our nations underlying heritage. Inalienable rights given to us by God. Our original foundation set the boundaries and standards on how we are to live individually and as a nation. Our nation has slowly turned it’s heart away from over two hundred years of principles that has made us the greatest nation in the world. Instead we’ve created a society where there are no boundaries or moral absolutes. We’ve all but told God that he doesn’t exist.
When a nation walks away from the principles of “One nation under God” it starts to slowly crumble from the inside out. Sadly the blame lays at the feet of God’s children, the church. When the children of God withdraw from society and become introverted, they become less effective than the Pharisees were in Jesus’ day. Many Prophets, supposedly the voice of God to his people, are proclaiming that our nation is going to fall. Most of the church lays impassive so that they can protect their comforts and try to stay under the radar screen of society so they won’t have to stand up for what they believe in.
The nation is crashing and the church is turning a blind eye to everything that’s going on around her. Is this the end of the story or is there more. I believe that there is a lot more. I believe our nation is in one of the most profound times in our history. The people alive today should consider themselves honored because we are in a specific time in history that may well turn out to be pivotal for many generations to come.
(Part 2 tomorrow)
People are searching for answers. They are looking for security, peace and days gone by where everything made sense. We live in a time where everything seems to have fallen apart in a very short period of time. Our government has failed us. Their self importance doesn’t allow them to take our votes seriously anymore. They restructure the system when the votes don’t come out the way they want. Our judicial system has failed us. They are legislating from the bench and are telling everyone that they have the power to make laws regardless of legislation or the people’s will. The media has failed us. They have an agenda and are trying to tell us what we need to believe. The financial system has failed us. Wall Street is floundering and doesn’t have the power to save our nation from financial ruin. The educational system has failed us. We have the highest rate of uneducated graduates in history. The entertainment industry has failed us. Their supposed family friendly entertainment mocks everything this nation once stood for. The church has failed us. They stopped being the moral barometer for this nation a long time ago and became introverted. They're content existing within their four walls.
"One nation under God." Our founding father’s believed in four simple, but astounding words. They stood up against religious persecution, tyranny and were willing to lay their lives down to bring about our nations underlying heritage. Inalienable rights given to us by God. Our original foundation set the boundaries and standards on how we are to live individually and as a nation. Our nation has slowly turned it’s heart away from over two hundred years of principles that has made us the greatest nation in the world. Instead we’ve created a society where there are no boundaries or moral absolutes. We’ve all but told God that he doesn’t exist.
When a nation walks away from the principles of “One nation under God” it starts to slowly crumble from the inside out. Sadly the blame lays at the feet of God’s children, the church. When the children of God withdraw from society and become introverted, they become less effective than the Pharisees were in Jesus’ day. Many Prophets, supposedly the voice of God to his people, are proclaiming that our nation is going to fall. Most of the church lays impassive so that they can protect their comforts and try to stay under the radar screen of society so they won’t have to stand up for what they believe in.
The nation is crashing and the church is turning a blind eye to everything that’s going on around her. Is this the end of the story or is there more. I believe that there is a lot more. I believe our nation is in one of the most profound times in our history. The people alive today should consider themselves honored because we are in a specific time in history that may well turn out to be pivotal for many generations to come.
(Part 2 tomorrow)
Hi, this is my first attempt at blogging
I believe that God created us for a purpose and for right now I'm beginning my purpose by creating this blog. I hopefully will be able to bring a more positive perspective on situations that affect our nation and our culture, and hopefully we'll have some fun together while doing it.
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