Monday, April 6, 2009

Hope Deferred Makes the Heart Sick. Part 1

Before the last election everyone’s hope was high. People were saying that Senator Obama was going to take our nation into a new direction that will invigorate our country. Other people were saying that Senator McCain is the only man who can see us through the mess that we are in today. While others who believe in the church, and its ability to sway elections through prayer, would definitely bring us back into our comfortable lifestyles so that we can go on as before.

I honestly don’t see any of the three stated options taking place. A majority of the country believed that if Senator Obama won, he would either destroy or bring salvation to our nation. The proof is in the pudding. Our economy is tanking. Our military is being treated like a G.I. Joe toy that can be taken down and put on the shelf at will. Our President has already insulted two leaders of allied countries and has been making friendly gestures towards countries that have evil intent towards us. There is a rumor in the air that Gitmo residents will be brought back to the United States and given welfare. His ratings have dropped to lower than 50% in less than six months. That's unprecedented .

The Republicans aren’t doing any better. They’ve alienated their base. They would rather be in the hierarchy of D.C. than do what’s right for this nation and their constituents. They have rolled over and showed their weakness so that the other side won’t say nasty things about them. They have betrayed the people who have put them in office. I don’t see any difference between the Republicans and Democrats right now. They are fighting for higher taxes, allowing illegal aliens free reign and are definitely for more bureaucracy in our lives. They are allowing the judicial system to get out of control and to legislate from the bench. Both sides have their eye on controlling the church. That’s only a few of their misdemeanors. So now we go to door number three, the church.

Sadly, the church is not able to pull us out of our downward spiral either. A majority of the church is inward focus and doesn’t even know what’s going on around her most of the time. She has forgotten why she is called the church. People enjoy Christianity as long as they are allowed to sit in their pews and be obliviously comfortable. If you shake her comfort zone she will react. She will snarl at whatever is rocking her boat. When the rocking stops, she will settle back down into her blissful ignorance of what's going on around her.

Part 2 Tomorrow

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