Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Now and The Not Yet - Part 3

Part 3 From Yesterday’s Post

I truly believe that the Lord has already begun to move in our nation. The rumblings are low, but are increasing every day. I believe it will effect the financial system, not only the US but the entire world. It will effect the political system. The Lord is about to shake its foundations, and anything not rooted solidly in him, will come tumbling down. It will effect our judicial system. The Lord will remove those that have mocked him and have used their authority to hurt the helpless. It will effect the educational system. The Lord will re-institute truth and remove the mockery and lies. It will effect our entertainment industries because people will no longer tolerate what is being put out and the Lord will grant salvation and mercy to those that will hear inside the industry. It will effect our media. The Lord is already in the process of knocking down the towers of Babel in the news and paper industries. People will want the truth, and not told what they are to believe anymore.

Repentance is the key in asking God to move on our behalf. I believe that he will do so, but it will be costly. It will cost us everything. When the Lord moves, we must not have pre-conceived ideas on how it will look. The Lord is going to move in a completely different way and we must seek his face constantly and trust the Lord when he tells us to move even if it doesn’t make sense. We must not question, we must obey.

There will be a mighty move of God. Now, we have to decide if we want in on it. Will we willingly give up our comfort zones and all that we have to follow Jesus? Will we remember what Jesus asked of his disciples to follow him? He told them to leave everything and everyone behind. The twelve disciples did and remember how they were used in bringing about the Kingdom of God. It won’t be easy, but the cost is worth it.

1 comment:

  1. Colleen, I apologize for taking so long to read this series, but I must admit it's a lot more fun to read them all at once instead of anxiously awaiting each day for the next part. I so totally agree with what you are saying and I believe your dream was right on target. I am so disappointed in the government and the media and what they have done to us as a nation, but I'm also so glad that I am not of this world but of the KOG, and I don't have to depend on our Government to take care of me but on Jehovah God, who meets our every need. I would hate to lose my favorite TV show, but good grief, the Kingdom is so much more than 40 minutes of fantasy, yet we're always drawn back to it for some reason. I want to serve God, and I'm willing to do what ever I have to do to be obedient to Him and depend on Him for our every need. I also in Heaven when I'm with the Saints. We are a Colony of Heaven, just waiting on our Lord to come set up His Kingdom here on earth. MARANATHA Come Lord Jesus
