Monday, May 11, 2009

Time In A Bottle 1

If I could put time in a bottle, I would be a millionaire. Time is a precious commodity that seems to slip thru our fingers faster than water. Most people’s day look something like this:

6:30: shower, breakfast, prepare for work
8:00-5:00:get the kids off to school, go to work
6:00: dinner and dishes
7:00-10:00: night meetings and children’s activities
10:00 and on: bedtime

Plus preparing meals, doing laundry, helping the kids with homework, yard work, cleaning house and meeting with friends, etc........All of the added extras get done whenever and wherever you can squeeze it in. You go to bed exhausted, and think, “I’m done. Now I can go to sleep.”

Preparing to turn the light out, something starts nagging at you. It’s important, but you can’t quite put your finger on it. You yawn, roll over and think, “oh, well, it can wait until tomorrow.” Tomorrow is another day to be conquered! Sleep comes quickly.

Someone has been waiting in your room, very quietly and patiently for you to notice him. After you are asleep, he walks over to your bed and begins whispering in your ear. He shares with you all of things that he wanted to share with you through the day. He stands up, looks at you, then he walks away hoping that tomorrow......

How many times do we forget to spend time with Jesus? He is looking for us to notice him and for us to want to take the time to be with him.

Part 2, Tomorrow

1 comment:

  1. That's funny because I always thought that time was simply nature's way to keep everything from happening all at once.......duh.
