Monday, October 26, 2009
United We Stand, Divided We Fall
Many churches are living in the past and are to blind to see what God is doing now. The Lord is preparing to go to war against Satan’s strong hold on our nation. God is preparing another move of himself and the one’s that are listening and preparing are the one’s that God will use.
Most moves of God start out with his anointing poured out all over his bride. Each person starts out with dedication, conviction and a willingness to pay any price to bring in God’s glory. Through out history when our Lord pours out the Holy Spirit on his bride, the bride surrenders and a movement is birthed. When the battle part’s over the bride gets comfortable once again, camps and relives God’s past glory. The Church usually hardens her heart and stays where she’s at. The bride becomes self focused and blind to what God is doing. Eventually the bride disappears into obscurity once more.
Two to three years ago, the Lord has given us the battle cry once more. The Lord has poured out his intimate presence on the faithful and faithless equally. I truly believe that another move of God is on it’s way. God has been whispering in the ears of those who would listen. When Mr. Obama became President many ran and some even left the country. God was testing them for obedience and they failed miserably.
The Lord has been raising up new leaders especially those who are called into the five fold ministries such as Pastor, Prophet, Teacher, Evangelist and Apostolic. It breaks my heart to see so many churches that have turned their backs on God and are still doing the same old things.
Satan uses lies to destroy. I believe one of the biggest lies is the Egalitarian vs. Complemetarian issue. Egalitarian’s believes that a woman can have autonomous authority within the church structure. They believe that women can become Pastor’s or Elders and make governmental decisions. The Complemetarian’s believe that women can hold any position within the church except the Senior Pastor and Elder positions. If we're not careful I believe that this issue can tear the church in two.
Other issues that can take the church off track is 1) moral failure in Pastors and Prophets. The divorce rate is the same between the church and the world. 2) Another conflict is over relating to post modern culture. The church is allowing itself to be influenced by the world. If things keep moving as they have been, the church won’t be any different than the world and the bride will become ineffective. 3) The church is compromising its standards. she is straying from the truth in the word of God. Soon there will be no difference between the world and the church. 4) Finally the theological fractions that are tearing churches apart. To many churches water down the word and take the word out of context and make it say what they want it to say.
As I stated before Satan will do anything to destroy Jesus' bride. I believe that the Egalitarian vs. Complemetarian, moral failure within the church, post modern culture and theological fractions are Satan’s lies to bring down the Church. Look at the time it’s raising its head to become an issue again. Right before the war begins.
I’ve asked several friends if they are Complemetarian or Egalitarian and most of them said Egalitarian. I asked why they believe the way that they do and the main answer I received was that men and women need to be equal. I again asked why because we are equal in the eyes of God and the response from most of them was “because”.
God created both men and women. We are equal in the eyes of God. We just have different roles to perform. I have yet to hear a biblical reason why women should be allowed to become Elders or Pastors within the church. From the books Genesis, I Timothy, I Corinthians and Ephesians states Paul’s view on women in the Egalitarian debate. Paul was a Complementarian.
I’m stepping out on a limb here. I want it understood that these are my beliefs. I’ve put in a lot of hours seeking the truth and praying for what the Lord wants done. I truly believe that women should not to be put in governmental positions within the church. I will even go so far as to say, that if a church grabs a hold of the Egalitarian point of view, or moral failure, or relating to post modern culture or theological fractions will be left behind in this new movement. Jesus is looking for total surrender. The Lord wants us to hand over our beliefs, so that he can show us his truth. The Lord will only use people that have totally surrendered in his next awakening move.
The Lord wants his bride unified. Right now the church is so fragmented that she’s almost unusable by our Lord. Once a church starts to compromise on its biblical foundation, they will have to accept other issues that can’t be condoned by God. Thus creating a downward spiral that makes the church water down her convictions.
We have to take the focus off of ourselves and our goals. We need to fall on our knees in repentance and then we need to ask what the Lord wants us to do. To many churches and individual people have made hearing God so complicated. We just need to stop, lay all of our agendas, goals and the way we think things should be done and lay it before the throne of our Father. When we can be completely open to the Lord and his agenda then we can really stand united.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Darkness Of The Soul
My body, spirit and soul are decimated. I have had to deal with betrayal, broken trust and knowledge of a couple of people that hurt me in the worst possible way.
Several months ago, the Lord started to prod me to read Job. When I was done I saw something that I never caught before. When the Lord visited Job and his three friends, God reminded them of who he was. One thing stuck out to me, and that was that the Lord asked Job to forgive and pray blessings on his three friends. God gave no promises of renewed health or restoration of all that Job had lost. Job, I believe, had to struggle before doing God’s will.
Job did obey then God restored all that was lost to him. He had many sons and daughters, his wealth and health were restored. The Lord has asked me to forgive some people that let me down. The Lord is asking me to forgive some that have physically hurt me.
Everything within me screams, they don’t deserve it and why am I the one that has to take the first step. For several months I couldn’t do it. I was barraged with to many things at one time. I was just hit with another situation yesterday. I feel as if I’m at breaking point, but I have to remember who is my salvation and redeemer is. For the past 4 months I’ve felt abandoned and all alone. I felt as if people didn’t care.
I just learned something new about my past. It was about a person I should have been able to trust, who should be my knight in shining armor. He turned out to be a despot and robbed me of my self respect. I admit that I’m in denial right now. No way could this happen to me. I wasn’t prepared for the knowledge that I received yesterday and today.
When something hits us out of the blue, we need to dig deeper into Jesus and his loving embrace. I was reminded today that God was with me during my hour of need. He didn’t walk away. He was sitting there crying and had to let free will take its course.
If anyone is in deep pain, I encourage you to go to someone you can trust. They can help you see the light at the end of your dark tunnel, your darkness of the soul.
May the Lord bless everyone that is hurting and help them to see you. Lord let them see the light at the end of the tunnel. I pray blessing and peace on everyone.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Enter Into The Courts Of The King - 2
The Lord uses people that are willing to come before him. God never forces his will on anyone, but waits patiently until we are ready to give our all for him. I started thinking of different times in history when the Lord used people to help bring about his glory in their era. Each person was flawed, and with as much sin in their lives as anyone else. What made them different were the choices they made. All were worshipers and had a close relationship with God and Jesus. Each one made massive mistakes, but when they did they cried out to God, repented and went on with God’s original plans for them.
Here are a few examples of people that had an intimate relationship with God and because of it, changed history. In the first book of the Bible, Genesis, is Abraham. Abraham was used by God to help create the nation of Israel. Joseph , also in Genesis, saved his people, the Jews, from annihilation. King David’s story is in books of Chronicles and Kings in the Old Testament. David was known for his intimate worship and love of God. David sinned greatly, but when he was confronted he repented with his whole heart. David brought the nation of Israel into it’s glory days. Israel was the most powerful nation of its time.
The twelve disciples in the New Testament knew Jesus personally and spread the gospel to the Jews. Paul who wrote over 1/3 of the New Testament helped to spread the gospel to the gentiles. Martin Luther, the founder of the Lutheran Revival created a stir in the early 1500's. He stood against church heresy and helped to bring God’s saving grace to a whole continent. Charles Finney was a big evangelist in the 1800's. Finney always sent a man into the city Finney was getting ready to visit and the man prayed one week before his arrival. Revival broke out everywhere Finney went, and sometimes without his saying a word. Finney helped to bring the gospel to a whole nation. There are many more who have changed history with their love of God and their obedience.
We have always had worship and the presence of God, but why is it so intense right now. The answer lies in what’s going on around us. Whenever the Lord prepares to bring about a massive change for a nation and or the world, he pours out his presence on his people so that they can be empowered with grace, wisdom and authority. God’s empowerment allows us to see God’s vision of what he wants to accomplish and how are we are to help bring it into fruition.
We, as the church, have been enjoying God’s intimate presence for a while now. I believe he’s bringing us to a place where we are going to have to make a choice. Will we continue to play, or will we allow God to change and use us. This is the time for the church to shine when everything seems turned upside down and hopeless in the world. If we as God’s people can use God’s intimate presence as a stepping stone, we will radically change the world.
We must stop looking at ourselves and our own agendas. When we do we’ll see that the Lord has given us all of the tools we’ll ever need. Himself. If we come before and worship him, he will touch us with himself. His grace will give us the ability to get rid of the garbage in our lives and his mercy will show us the next step we need to take and to help produce his kingdom here on earth.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Enter Into The Courts Of The King
Everyone needs to understand what sin is. In the first book in the Bible, is Genesis and it talks about how God created the first human man, Adam. Then God made the first woman Eve. They had perfect unity with God, their creator. Everything was in harmony and at peace. All was right before God, until one day both Adam and Eve ate of the apple of knowledge behind God’s back. They tried to hide what they did. When God confronted them they shifted blame on each other. God had to separate himself from Adam and Eve and kicked them out of garden. Their decision put a wall between them and God. Sin was born. Sin is turning our backs on God and doing our own thing. Sin separates us from God because God is sinless.
God can not tolerate sin, but he also wants a relationship with us so he created a unique way for allowing us to come before him. 1) God pours out his presence 2)which produces a hunger for repentance (repentance is turning and walking away from something that separates us from God’s presence ). 3) that helps us to accept God’s leading in our lives. It must be understood that this process can only work for a person after he or she acknowledges their separation for God. It must also be understood that God sent his son Jesus to live as a man and then die when he committed no crime. Jesus is without sin. Jesus died so that we can have access to God once again.
When we experience the intimacy of God we are changed forever. We no longer want our own desires to be fulfilled. We want what the Lord wants and we don’t care who gets the credit for it. Our focus changes form being on ourselves to being on Jesus. God’s presence creates a deep hunger within us, so that we want more and more. Entering God’s presence also creates a desire to get rid of any obstacle (sin) that can keep us from coming before him.
God has spoken to many people through out history. I believe the Lord is still speaking today and if we search for him and wait we can hear what God is telling us. It can be through the Bible, through a song, a person, a thought, or nature itself. If we believe that God is the creator of everything, then it’s logical to believe that he can use whatever he wants to communicate with us. We just have to be willing to believe and listen.
During my prayer time at the church I was seeking the Lord. I was praying for the church, our nation and direction for myself. I spent many hours on my face repenting of the things the Lord pointed out to me and then I walked into his throne room of Grace. Once you’ve entered the throne room of God, you’ll want to come back. The presence of God is addicting. The more you go, the more you want
Worship is adoring God and telling him all the things he is and the things he has done. I truly believe that you have to worship more than one day a week. God is the only one that can fill the empty holes in our lives. His door is always opened, we just have to walk through it. It’s scary standing at the door. Your sin is revealed when you stand at the door, but when you choose to walk in God’s love pours all over you. The more time you spend with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit the more you will change. Your relationship with the triune God is like any other relation. Your relationship will grow when you more spend with them,
Part 2 tomorrow
Monday, September 21, 2009
I have been thinking a lot about the Book of Job. It’s in the Old Testament in the Bible Most people focus on the beginning where Satan comes before God and asks to torment Job. Another aspect is when God talks to Job at the end of the book or how Job’s friends tormented him in his time of misery. I believe God gave me another aspect of Job. Right before God made everything right in Job’s world, the Lord God asked him to forgive and pray blessing on his three tormentors. God didn't give Job any promises of healing or restoration after he obeyed. God didn’t restore Job until he had forgiven and blessed his three friends. I don’t know about you but I’d have a hard time doing what God asked of Job.
We don’t know how long a period of time that Job was in pain. So we don’t know how long Job’s “friends” were telling him to repent of whatever sin that caused this calamitous affair. God called Job to forgive and to bless all three. I’m sure Job didn’t make a decision right away concerning forgiving and blessing his friends. Having been in Job’s place, the human side comes to the forefront and screams, “NO, NO, NO, NO!” God haven’t you seen what they put me through, “sick em God”.
The human side would want vengeance and justice. Most of us would ask God to take care of the wrongs done to us first. I doesn’t seem to work that way. I have been struggling with forgiveness towards three different people. I was the wronged party in all three cases.
I waited for four months for things to change. I prayed for God’s mercy, conviction and restoration. I received no answer. I was getting madder by the day. It seemed as if I was being ignored and I felt abandoned because the people wouldn’t reach out to me. God wanted something from me but I didn’t know what until I read and thought about Job.
Job never questioned God and he obeyed without expecting anything in return. I was and still am in the dark place of the soul. My prayer for hope turned into a prayer of selfishness. I wanted the people to know that they wronged me and they should be sorry for it. God wanted me to forgive and bless the people who wronged me. I fought with it for a week.
Then I realized I can’t out wait God. He waits very patiently until you do what he wants you to do. I went back to church after being gone for four months. I prayed God’s blessing on them and I forgave them. The others were taken care of before I dealt with my home church. I didn’t feel anything different. A few days later other things that were out of place started falling into place.
Forgiving someone is letting all of the resentment and bitterness go. Your unforgiveness doesn’t affect the other people at all. Most of the time the people involved are ignorant of what's taking place. When you release the bitterness and anger and grant forgiveness, you're putting the whole situation into God’s loving hands. Justice and vindication is the Lord’s job.
I’ve forgiven, but the situations haven’t really changed. I don’t expect anyone to try to make right what went wrong. All I know is that if I don’t forgive I’m the one who stays in jail. I’m asking for justice and vindication. All in all The Lord will do what’s best for all concerned
What I’m about to say is my belief and conviction. I truly believe that forgiveness is one of the most powerful words that we have in the English language.
If a person has hurt you, then I encourage you to ask God to give you the grace, mercy and strength to forgive. It’s not easy and it will take every ounce of will power that you have to do it. If you do forgive the other person, you will be the one let out of bondage. If the other person doesn’t respond, then it’s out of your hands and placed into God’s hands.
I was thinking one day and the Lord gave me this little ditty:
F Forgetting the situation sets your spirit and soul free
O Overcoming and handing over the hurt, anger and revenge that dwells in your
heart, over to God, will set you free
R Restoration can come when the first person forgives and let’s go
G God gives grace to walk away, even though you are the hurt party
I Initiation gives you the tools to talk to the other person
V Vulnerability is going to the other person when you don’t know how they will
E Extending grace with no strings attached heals personal wounds
I normally don’t pray on my blog, but I am this time. Lord Jesus touch every wounded spirit and heart that is out there. Help people to come to you. Let them be restored by your grace and favor. Help each person to forgive the people that have hurt them and let them place themselves in the palm of your hand. For you are a God of justice and mercy. Thank you and God bless you all.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Nothing New Under the Sun
A psychiatrist that I have contact with pointed out something about creation that I’ve never considered before. Eve wanted her ego tickled. She wanted equality with God. She already had equality with Adam. She didn’t fool with Adam until she had already done the deed. She wasn’t worried about Adam, only God
Eve bites the apple, low and behold differences of station in life are born. Eve is still equal with Adam, but changes come into the relationship between them, also between her and God. Did Eve loose her equality with Adam. Some believe so, but I don’t think so.
I’ve watched the feminist movement since it’s inception and I’ve watched women trying to be equal with men. Equality is something given by God, it's not something to be strived for or demanded. I’ve seen many woman scream that they want the same rights as a man. Eve bit the apple first, not the other way around . To this day I believe Eve is trying to put the blame on Adam. Eve still wants her ego tickled.
I don’t believe Eve wants equality, she wants superiority. That’s why she bit the apple in the first place. She didn’t persuade Adam to do it with her, but after her. Eve does not want to stay in the role that God has given her and she wants to change God’s design and his manual for creation. She is screaming unfairness and is whining to a large degree.
Woman are clambering once again to be equal with God. Consider the Egalitarian vs. Complimetarian issue within the church. I don’t see any evidence that God is changing the rules so that Eve can be in the top position within the church. There was no church before and after the fall. There were only people. Church structure came much later. Many women and men argue that we have to have what we had before the fall. That one’s easy. God was in control and there was no man or woman dominance conflict happening at the time.
God didn’t put man in the top position within the church until Abraham's time. Matter of fact, there was not church structure before Abraham. How many years from Adam and Eve until Abraham. A lot. Either way you look at it God put Eve in a specific role and Adam as well. Neither one is better than the other. Women are weaker in strength, but not the weaker vessel. I’d like to see a man bear a child. Personally I think they would be screaming drugs after the first contraction. Women have top billing when it comes to having kids. Men are physically stronger than us. That is a medical fact. We can’t change that either. So why would we want to change the dynamics on God’s ultimate roles for us?
Women in the military is another example of woman wanting control. I don’t have a problem with women in the military to a certain extent. I believe we can accomplish anything we want except to conquer man’s strength. I remember the battle when women fought to join the VMA military academy. The military finally caved and when the first girl entered she started screaming that the men were being mean to her and treating her like a guy. Mixed signals! She joined so that she could be like a guy. That’s what the young woman wanted from the beginning. Everyone brings up women fighting on the front lines in the Israeli military. The only problem is that woman are not required to fight on the front lines any more. Israel is a tiny little speck of a country in an area of hostile nations surrounding her. When Israel became strong enough she took women out of the front line fighting. To many of Israel’s women were getting raped and being used to make the other Israeli men surrender. That’s what’s happening in our military today. It’s just not reported. There is a study that shows that men will not cave under torture if a woman is not involved, but as soon as you add a woman into the equation, men crack in a short period of time.
Remember Eve didn’t give the apple to Adam until she had already done it. She separated herself and made herself different from Adam by choice. I think it’s time to take the blinders of and look at all of the facts. Eve made her decision long before conferring with her husband and has been paying the price for it ever since.
Even with all of our flaws we are beautifully and wonderfully made. God created perfection with a flaw and Eve acted on it first. God knew the flaw would win out. I don’t even pretend to understand the mystery of God’s perfectness verses creation and our weaknesses. I’m beginning to think that he created the fall, so that God could show his infinite love and mercy in sending his son to us. That’s a different perspective on creation.
Women, if you have to fight men so hard for something, maybe it’s not meant to ours. Could it be that women want the ultimate apple. Complete control over men. It’s something to think about isn’t it.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Can You Hear The Call Of The Holy Spirit
My brother always has been a strong man, but when he went to boot camp they tore him apart and put him back together piece by piece so that he would be a man that was sold out to the army, country then family. Boot camp was a time to see if you were army material and if you could be trusted to put your life on the line. My brother passed with flying colors, because later in his military career he became a drill Sargent himself.
I started thinking about the five fold ministry gifts in the kingdom of God: Pastor, Prophet, Evangelist, Apostle and Teacher. The Lord and I have been talking about what is required to be used in the five fold ministry. Or for any kind of ministry for that matter.
I believe it’s a lot like boot camp. God let’s you know what he wants of you, then he starts tearing you apart piece by piece so that you will put God first and last. God will not tolerate anything or one coming before him. The only way to insure this is for us to willingly put ourselves under the Holy Spirits discipline. Unless you go through the Holy Spirit’s boot camp you can not and will not be prepared.
Many people see seminaries as boot camp. They are a great tool to learn knowledge, but they are not a boot camp in the kingdom of God.
Christian boot camp is something we have to choose to do. No person can require it of you. The Holy Spirit is our drill Sargent and life is our training ground. Several years ago I was praying and the Lord showed me a dark unending pit. He asked me if I was willing to die for him. I admit I was a little astonished at the question. So to gain time I asked do you mean spiritually, psychically or emotionally. He just said again are you willing to die for me and to jump into the pit. I took a long time to decide because I knew there was a chance that I could be found dead on the church floor the next morning. I jumped in and little did I realize that I had just handed myself over to the Holy Spirit and his boot camp. My life has been torn apart physically, spiritually and emotionally since that time and I don’t have one regret.
Many people shy away from God’s boot camp and I believe this is causing a major problem within the church. People who do not allow themselves to be trained by the Holy Spirit start out with good intentions, but they generally get their eyes off of the Lord and on to their own importance in the Kingdom of God. This is especially being done within the Prophetic. To many people forget that they are just the vessel, a mouth piece, that God uses to say what he wants his people to hear.
I am a firm believer in the gifts of the Spirit. I believe in God raising people from the dead, the lame walking and the blind seeing. What I don’t like is when I see man intervening and trying to push God’s miracles into happening. I remember reading Watchman’s Nee’s book a long time ago and a story stood out. Two girls were standing at a river and were holding a Bible. One of the girls said “ where is the God of Elijah” and they walked into a river at flood stage. They both drowned believing that God would honor their request for a miracle. Watchman Nee then said , "don’t tempt God". God will tell you when he wants something done, not the other way around. This is my personal opinion, but I believe to many people are to interested in the gold dust and feathers rather than wanting to fall on their face and crying out to God to have mercy on their souls. Coming before God in fear and trembling is the only way to enter God’s boot camp.
There aren’t as many being used by God in this country as they think they are. If I don’t see stripes on someone's back and or walking without a limp, then I don’t trust them. God’s army is a special call. It’s not for the faint hearted and it’s not for people who think that they can jump into the front lines, without training, and finish the race. Consider God's boot camp as a camp for the special forces. Once you enter the drill Sargent takes charge and prepares you for what you will have to go through down the road. Remember the whole mission of boot camp is to get your eyes off of yourself and onto the mission and the team. The Holy Spirit prepares you to be willing to pay any price, even death.
The Bible is full of people who have willingly jumped into God’s boot camp. Daniel, Joseph, Paul, Peter and of course Jesus just to name a few. Some will say Jesus, no way. Jesus fought with the Holy Spirit at Gethsemene and God gave him the grace and strength to do what needed to be done. I sometimes wonder if even Jesus, being a man, could have accomplished what he did without the Holy Spirit’s help. Daniel walked into a lion’s den willingly, Joseph served Egypt faithfully even though he wanted to go home, Paul was beaten so many times that it’s hard to keep count and Peter who denied his Lord was led to death gladly to stand up for his faith.
How many of us are willing to go that far. Christianity has been easy in this country. I don’t know what tomorrow holds, but I do know that if we don’t allow ourselves to join the Holy Spirit’s boot camp, we will either be off chasing gold dust or drop out because it’s more than we can bear. Join the camp. It’s hard, it’s not easy, but it’s worth the price. You get to serve as one of God’s children in the Kingdom of God. If by chance you are called to the five fold ministry, then you know you will survive because you have the best instructor God can give you and that is our Drill Sargent the Holy Spirit. Semper Fi!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Can We Pay The Price When The Cost Is Everything - 5
Joe fell into a fevered, frenzied state and started talking in his delirium. Rueb stayed with him the whole time. Joe didn’t realize that when he rescued Rueb, he was saving his family as well. Rueb was from Joe’s island. His technology was far more advanced than Joe could remember from his childhood.
Joe talked about his port a craft and his fiancee, and how much he missed his father and even his annoying older brothers. Three days later they landed on the same beach that Joe had started his journey. Rueb had changed his name when he started to travel. His name was Michael and he was Joe’s next oldest brother. When Joe started talking is when Rueb realized who he was.
Rueb had grown up to be a scientist and his speciality was artificial limbs. Leg’s were his particular area of expertise. Rueb told the men where his lab was and the men carried Joe to it. Rueb told the men to go back to the ship and he would send word when he knew what the outcome would be. Rueb turned on the nano powered machines and placed one in particular on Joe’s leg. The machine destroyed the decayed flesh and started to replace the damage limb with nanites. Little by little Joe’s leg returned to normal. When the machines were done Rueb removed the machine and waited for Joe to wake up naturally.
The next morning Joe awoke and knew Rueb was sitting at his side. Joe expected to be dead or at least his leg missing. Neither were the case. Rueb had tears running down his face and grabbed Joe into an enormous hug. Rueb knew the time had come to come clean about the past.
Rueb began by telling Joe his real name and who he was and told him of the day they left him at the cave. Rueb left nothing out and told how the brother’s were jealous of him and wanted him to die. He explained how everyone went back a few days later. The family was never the same again. Each brother would have gladly given his life to see Joe restored to his father. As far as Rueb knew their father was still alive and asked Joe to go to him.
Joe wanted to see his brothers first to find out a few things. Rueb ran and got the brothers not telling them the surprise awaiting them. They walked in and asked who the stranger was. Rueb told them and the other brothers gawked and then ran to embrace Joe. They wanted to hear everything that Joe wanted to say expecting the worst. Joe told them how he originally didn’t know of their plot and explained how he was taken by the marauders. He explained his excruciating pain at being yanked away from his family and facing death. He told of the horrors he had seen and how he had to make a choice to either become like the marauders or to learn to become stronger because of what happened. Joe told them how he had saved everything from the day he started looting and that he hadn’t killed one person since the day his journey began. Joe not only survived but he overcame. All six brothers had felt pain and remorse for their past actions. Now it was time for the two biggest questions that Joe had to face. Was his father still alive and what happened to Mennesa.
The brothers explained that their father was old but constantly told the other brothers that Joe would return, he just knew it. Mennesa had not married but moved into the house they were about to buy. The brothers had bought it for her. She also knew that Joe would return for her. Joe asked the men to send someone to get a message to his ship and crew. It was done immediately.
Joe went home and walked into the house. At first he was introduced as a stranger. After several minutes the father stopped and asked, “Joe is that you. I know it’s you, come here so that I can hold you before I die.” They embraced, cried, and all of the brothers related the past to their father. He forgave his other sons, though he was really angry at their confession. All was forgiven and restored.
Joe went to the house that Mennesa lived at. She was in the front yard and heard Joe’s step. She turned around and Joe immediately knew that something was wrong. Mennesa grinned ear to ear, but she couldn’t see Joe. She had gone blind after they parted. Joe kissed Mennesa as if his heart would break all over again. They talked through the night snuggled in each other’s arms. In the morning he took Mennesa to his father’s house and prepared a quick wedding. Later that day they were married. Now Joe had one more thing to complete. He had to pass his captaincy onto another man, but who?
Michael told Joe that he was returning to the sea. He will keep his lab intact, but he loved the voyaging. Everyone talked for hours and it was decided that Michael would take Joe’s place and keep teaching the men the things that Joe had started out with all of those years before. Hopefully one day the crew would disband and stop the marauding. Michael even took on the task of returning everything that Joe had taken in his earlier years.
They all walked to the beach and embraced. Michael rowed out to his ship and saluted from the deck. Michael would change the name to “Redemption”, because the ship had touched and changed so many lives. As the ship sailed into the horizon, Mennesa and Joe watched until the ship was out of sight. Joe sighed, then smiled at this new wife. Arm in arm they started back to begin their new life together.
My concluding thoughts will be posted on Monday
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Can We Pay The Price When The Cost Is Everything - 4
The leader liked the kid’s spunk and didn’t want to kill him, so he tried to think of a way to keep him alive. He ordered his men to take to boy to his room. He told the men that they had more important things to do than kill the kid right then and there. The Captain’s name was Robert, but they called him Captain Pharoas. Robert told one of his men to take the boy to his cabin and he would deal with this later.
When he entered the room, Joe would only look at him. Joe wasn’t shaking in fear as the others had. Robert was tired and wanted to retire, but he knew he couldn’t pass the ship on to one of the other crew mates. The others would find a way to kill the new captain and on and on it would go. Robert pointed to himself and said, “Robert”. Joe pointed to himself and said, “Joe”. Good, the kid was smart. Now to figure out a plan.
Days turned into weeks, weeks into months and Joe was still alive. They plundered at will. Joe participated but never killed one single person. Joe was becoming known as the gentle marauder. Robert would let Joe out a little each day until he was accepted as one of the crew's own. Killing him never came up again.
Several years later, both Joe and Robert learned each others languages and both were fluent in both. Robert made Joe his cabin boy and finally told him that he wanted to retire. Robert told Joe that the captain keeps all of the treasure and the new one starts from scratch. Robert wanted Joe to become captain. Joe asked for time and asked to go back home so that he could see his family one more time. He promised not to contact them and would rendezvous in the same came they met in, in three days time.
Joe was let off on his home shore. He went home and saw that 4 of his five brothers were married and that his father still lived. He didn’t see the brother born before him. Joe walked to his old girlfriends home. Her parents still lived there, but Joe never got to see Mennesa. Joe knelt right then and there because his heart was breaking. He was thinking of all of the lost time away from his family and girlfriend. The family never knew that he proposed to Mennesa and she accepted the day he was taken by his crew. She might even be married by now. Joe cried because he knew he could never go come back again. He made up his mind to become captain right then and there. He met with the ship in three days time and sailed away, leaving Robert on his home island.
While Joe was gone, he thought about his life and how much hurt and loss he experienced when he was taken from his family, but he knew that there had to be a plan. A big part of his plan was to keep his men from killing again. He wanted his whole crew to become gentle marauders. Joe kept a diary and kept track from all that they had stolen from. He was putting away his share of the bounty so that when the time came for him to retire he would pay every last denar back to the people that the crew had stolen from. It wouldn’t be easy, but he would do it or die trying.
Several more years flew by. Joe stopped at a desolated island to make repairs on his ship and found a man washed up on shore. They took him to the ship to allow him to heal. They made repairs and sailed away. The man recovered and he spoke Joe’s own language. His name was Rueb.
Joe and Rueb were walking and talking one day when Joe fell down a crumbling cliffs edge.. His leg was a pulpy mess and unsalvagable. Rueb rush Joe back to the ship and cauterized Joe's' leg. Rueb told the men that if his can take them to his home he would be able to heal Joe's' leg. Joe's' commander asked for the co-ordinates and they set sail..........
Part 5 tomorrow
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Can We Pay The Price When The Cost Is Everything - 3
Joe was patiently waiting in the cave. He stared at the ceiling thinking, “okay guys, a joke’s a joke, but this is ridiculous.” Joe waited and waited until he decided he may as well explore the cave since he had nothing better to do. For some unknown reason the cave was filled with sunshine and sweet-smelling air.
Joe stopped at a divide in the cave. One path led into a more brightly lighted area and the other was in darkness. Joe followed the dark side of the path. He was feeling adventurous and thinking, “who knows, there really might be treasure here.” Joe felt his way along the cave’s wall until he came to the end of the path. Joe was surprised because what lay in front of him was a lantern lit room with treasure laying everywhere. It was hanging from the rocks, stuffed on ledges and all over the ground.
Joe rubbed his eyes in amazement. He thought he was having a hallucination. When he reopened his eyes the treasure was still there. Joe ran forward and rolled around in the treasure thinking what his older brothers will think of him now that he’s filthy rich. Joe stopped and listened. He thought he heard a noise coming from another entrance that he didn’t see before. Joe could smell a sea breeze coming from that direction so he assumed it connected with the ocean.
The noise was getting louder and coming Joe’s way. Joe went to the darkened path and knelt against the wall. He was sure now because he heard mens voices and they weren’t his brother’s. They were speaking a strange language that Joe never heard before.
Joe started crawling backwards down the path he’d originally came through. Inch by inch he crawled backwards until he ran into something solid, but it was not rock. Joe tried to go around, but it moved with him. He tried to get up to run, but was grabbed and dragged back into the treasure filled room. The man who held him spoke the funny sounding language, but Joe could get the gist of what he was saying.
The big man announced to the others. “I’ve found myself a peeping tom. He knows our treasure is here and now we’ll have to get rid of him.” He was tired of the killing, but he couldn’t see any way to keep this kid alive. He’d broken their code and code must be obeyed. If someone finds their treasure room, be it male or female, they had to die.
The commander decided to put it off as long as possible, so he told the others to take the treasure and the kid to the ship”. They would find a more pleasurable way to kill the boy,” he said. The brothers would be shocked because they didn’t believe in marauders. They were just a myth and Joe thought the same. Marauders they were and they took their treasure, Joe and journeyed back to their ship. They knew that they could never come back to this land again. If one found it then others might not be far behind.
Joe didn’t need to understand the language to understand what his fate was to be. He sadly said goodbye to his father, brother’s and his home. He knew he’d never see it again and most likely wouldn’t see much of anything again once they got aboard the marauders ship. The ship came in view and everyone boarded, except for the leader and Joe. The walked towards the planked and climbed up to the ship.............................
Part 4 tomorrow
Can We Pay The Price When The Cost Is Everything - 2
The father knew it was wrong to have a favorite child, but he did. He would let Joe get away with things that he would never let his older sons get away with. When Joe was 13 his father gave him his own port a craft. The father limited Joe's use of the craft to the sphere of their world. The other brothers couldn’t travel like that until they were 16. They were getting quite annoyed with Joe.
The father let Joe take his craft off world when he was 15. That was the straw that finally broke the camel’s back. The brothers weren’t allowed off world until they were 21. The 5 older brothers had a meeting and decided that something needed to be done about Joe. They all exclaimed, “yea, it’s Joe this and Joe that. What will he get to next that we couldn’t do at his age. Maybe he’ll be allowed to get married. He’s dating this hot little number right now. I know none of us wouldn’t mind having a go......” I regress, so back to the story.
The brothers finally decided to get rid of Joe. There was a large cave on the other side of the planet and if they left him without any food and water, he’d never be found. They told Joe that their dad wanted him to go to this cave and find a treasure that was left there just for him. So Joe said, alright. He went and the brothers disabled his craft, took his food and water, then left him to die.
The eldest brother started having an attack of a guilty conscience, so he went back to bring the kid home. He knew he would have to come clean, remembering how old his dad was and that Joe's death would devastate him. He just couldn’t hurt his dad this way. They would just have to figure out something else. The eldest brother took off for the cave and when he arrived, Joe was nowhere to be found. He yelled until he had no voice left. He searched for days, but couldn’t find Joe. The eldest brother went home and told the other brothers what he did. They all said they were having the same attack of conscience and were also getting ready to head back to the cave and pick Joe up.
All five brothers went back to the cave. They stayed for a week and found nothing. They went home in utter defeat. They realized they were going to have to tell their dad something so they devised a plan. They said they were attacked by marauders and they were after their port a crafts. The 5 brothers told of how bravely they fought and destroyed the machines rather than hand them over. The marauders got so mad that they took Joe with them. They all knew they had to destroy their machines by burning them and breaking them into a million pieces. Their dad would want to go to the cave and see the evidence. With great reluctance they destroyed all the machines and started to walk home.
Part 3 tomorrow
Monday, July 13, 2009
Can We Pay The Price When The Cost Is Everything

In 1982, Twila Paris wrote a song for Melody Green when Melody's husband Keith and several of their children died in a plane crash. I've posted the song that Twila wrote for Melody and ask that you read the words and take them to heart.
Many are broken, wounded, bleeding and believe that there is no way to over come what they're going through. I to am in a situation that could destroy me or I can cling to the only hope I have. Jesus. I'll write my thoughts on Tuesday. God bless you. Song's title is simple but profound.
Can I trust you?
Sometimes my little heart can't understand
What's in Your will, what's in Your plan.
So many times I'm tempted to ask You why,
But I can never forget it for long.
Lord, what You do could not be wrong.
So I believe You, even when I must cry.
Do I trust You, Lord?
Does the river flow?
Do I trust You, Lord?
Does the north wind blow?
You can see my heart,
You can read my mind,
And You got to know
That I would rather die
Than to lose my faith
In the One I love.
Do I trust You, Lord?
Do I trust You?
I know the answers, I've given them all.
But suddenly now, I feel so small.
Shaken down to the cavity in my soul.
I know the doctrine and theology,
But right now they don't mean much to me.
This time there's only one thing I've got to know.
Do I trust You, Lord?
Does the robin sing?
Do I trust You, Lord?
Does it rain in spring?
You can see my heart,
You can read my mind,
And You got to know
That I would rather die
Than to lose my faith
In the One I love.
Do I trust You, Lord?
Do I trust You?
I will trust You, Lord, when I don't know why.
I will trust You, Lord, till the day I die.
I will trust You, Lord, when I'm blind with pain!
You were God before, and You'll never change.
I will trust You.
I will trust You.
I will trust You, Lord.
I will trust You.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Honor Given Where Honor Is Due - 5

Part 5, From Yesterday’s Post
How could anyone forget December 11th, 2001. Terrorists with radical ideas whom are willing to die for them attacked the Twin Towers in New York, the Pentagon and would have attacked Washington DC if brave men and women hadn’t crashed the plane before it had gotten to our nations capitol.
My Father-in-law, retired Colonel, B.F. Simmons of the United States Air Force told us that one of the offices bombed out in the Pentagon used to be his when he was there. What a sobering thought. Dad used to serve in the Medical Administration in the Air Force Medical Service Corp, also he was the co-ordinate Air Medical Evacuation out of CINCPAC during the Viet Nam war. During the Viet Nam War Dad would fly to the Mash units in helicopters. He said that bullets would fly by the open helicopter doors all of the time. My husband and I a very proud that we have many distinguished military in both of our families.
We are now at a crossroads in our nation. Things are going haywire. Our nation has had problems before, but the one constant has been the strength and dedication of our military. We need to appreciate all that they do. They stay behind the scenes and we really don’t know a small portion of what they do to keep us free and safe.
Our military has always been voluntary (except during the Nam war). Men and women have boldly, bravely and loyally answered the call to protect our nation. I’m proud of our military and I thank them for all that they do for us. You allow freedom to reign. You allow our flag to fly free and proud. You allow us to sleep at night in peace with no fear that someone is going to come and drag us out of our homes because we disagree with them.
There are many more courageous, brave and bold incidences through out our nations history that our men and women have accomplished. It would take to long to list them all. Our heritage is long and rich. Because of the dedication of our military we are definitely, “the land of the free, and the home of the brave”.
Honor Given Where Honor Is Due - 4

Part 4, From Yesterday’s Post
My brother, Gary joined the military in 1969. For some reason he did not get sent to Viet Nam. He did however get sent to the DMZ zone between the two Korea’s many times. Gary was there in 1976 when we received a letter from him. He told us that he couldn’t tell us what was going on and he was sleeping with his gun. Gary wanted us to please pray for him and our nation. We all had goose bumps after we received Gary’s letter.
Later on we found out that the “Tree/Hatchet Incident” had taken place on August 18th of 1976. Several American soldiers and South Koreans went into the Neutral Zone to trim a tree that was blocking the Americans view . The North Korean leader ordered, “mikunulchi ki cha”, to kill the American soldiers. Thirty North Koreans bludgeoned eleven of our soldiers to death with the end of their machetes. My brother knew two of the men. They were young and with families.
President Ford order a decree that was kept quiet. He sent a message to the North Koreans saying that if they didn’t hand over the men that committed this heinous crime we would be at war. America did not know how close to war we were. Like any other bully, North Korea saw the threat was real and handed over the men to our authority. Our President and military stood strong and prevailed over evil once again.
My brother’s son joined the military and became an 82nd Airborne. Dale joined in the late 80's. On December 20th, 1989 our Rangers from Charlie Company, 3rd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment and the 82nd Airborne attacked Panama. My brother found out that his son was jumping into Panama as the invasion was taking place. Silence and stealth were necessary for victory.
Our military invaded to remove Manuel Noriega because the then President George Bush knew that the Panama Canal was soon reverting back into Panama’s hands and Noriega had strong ties to many of our enemies. It would have been very dangerous for us as a nation if Noriega had been in power after the transfer of ownership.
Part 5, Tomorrow
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Honor Given Where Honor Is Due - 3

Part 3, From Yesterday’s Post
On December 8th, 1941, President Theordore Roosevelt, gave the great “Infamy speach”. The last few paragraphs woke up a nation that began to prepare for war.
President Roosevelt’s speech ended with,
But always will our whole nation remember the character of the onslaught against us. No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory.
I believe that I interpret the will of the Congress and of the people when I assert that we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost but will make it very certain that this form of treachery wi ll never again endanger us.
Hostilities exist. There is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory and our interests are in grave danger.
With confidence in our armed forces—with the un-bounding determination of our people—we will gain the inevitable triumph—so help us God.
I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December 7th, 1941, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese Empire.”
Japanese General Isoroku Yamamoto was against the Attack on Pearl Harbor, but once it was inevitable, he planned the attack. Shortly after the attack of Pearl Harbor he said, "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve." His premonition became a reality. We awoke and we built. Our men went to war and our women built the machine’s that were needed for the war.
Near the end of the war in Iwo Jima Admiral Chester A Nimitz stated that, “Among the Americans serving on Iwo Island, uncommon valor was a common virtue.” Many said that Iwo Jima was the battlefield that closely resembled the Biblical vision of Hell. Iwo Jima was eight square miles of volcanic ash, pumice and sand. The Marines had the honor of taking Iwo Jima and take it they did.
Iwo Jima was the bloodiest battle in the war and in all of Marine history. They had more casualties than the Union Army at Gettysburg. The battle was responsible for over 1/4 of all the Medals of Honor awarded to Marines during World War II. The picture of the Marines raising the flag on Iwo Jima is the most honored and reproduced photograph of all time. I have been at the Memorial in Virginia. You can’t help but stand in awe, silence and respect when standing in front of it.
Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal told a friend that, “ the raising of that flag on Suribachi means a Marine Corps for the next 500 years." He also came out with this little ditty:
Storm'd at with shot and shell
Bravely they rode and well
Into the Jaws of Death
Into the Mouth of Hell
Part 4, Tomorrow
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Honor Given Where Honor Is Due - 2

Part 2 , From Yesterday’s Post
In August of 1781 during the Revolutionary War in Yorktown, Virginia, a major battle took place. Major Cornwallis of the British army knew that if he could take Yorktown, the war would end in their favor. General George Washington had different ideas though. Benjamin Franklin had been reaching out to the French for assistance throughout the whole war and they finally came through. With the French’s aid, General Washington was able to defeat the British and Major Cornwallis was forced to surrender on October 19, 1781. Cornwallis was right, the Yorktown battle did turn the tide of the war, but in America’s favor. The war went on for two more years and we prevailed.
Before the war began, we didn’t have a military. Each state saw to its own needs and never saw the need for a national military. When the need arose, the Congress appointed General George Washington to form a national army to stave off the British. At first it looked impossible. Men would leave when they felt like it to go home and see to the needs of their farm.
Slowly, but surely General Washington earned the respect and loyalty of his men. He took a group of rag tag men and eventually turned them into an army that could stand up to the British and win freedom for our people. The Revolutionary War was the birth place of our military that we have today. Slowly over the years, The United States saw the need to have a military so that we could defend ourselves against attack.
Over the years, we have had our ups and downs in the might of our Army, but December 7th, 1941, would change the face of our military for ever. The Japanese took umbrage against us and attacked Pearl Harbor. We had become fat and lazy and unprepared and Japan thought that we would be an easy conquest. Little did Japan know.
Part 3, Tomorrow
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Honor Given Where Honor Is Due - 1

"Oh, say can you see by the dawn's early light
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars thru the perilous fight,
O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming?
And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.
Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?”
What a rich heritage we have as a nation. The Star Spangled Banner says it all, especially the last line, “O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?”. We ARE the land of the free and the home of the brave. I started thinking about how we have stayed safe since the inception of our nation.
A young lawyer, named Frances Scott Key lived during the War of 1812. He agreed to broker a peace treaty between the Americans and the British. The British ships were anchored in Baltimore Harbor and Mr. Key was taken aboard the H.M.S. Surprise. The British wouldn’t listen to Mr. Key's terms of peace until after they bombarded Fr. McHenry in Baltimore, Maryland through the night.
Before the battle began, Major George Armistead, whom later became a renowned General in the Civil War, asked for a gigantic flag to be made so that the British couldn’t help but see it from their vessels. By the time it was finished it measured 30 by 42 feet. It must have been an amazing sight.
The stage was set. Many British vessels surrounded Ft. McHenry. Major Amistead and his men bravely waited for the attack to begin. The British carried 220 pound bombshells. The Americans sunk 22 British vessels before the attack, so that the British couldn’t get as close as they wold like. At 1 am on September 14th, 1814 the bombardment began.
Mr. Key watched from the inside of the H.M.S. Surprise. Probably all he could see were the lights from the exploding bombs. The shelling continued until the dawn hours, then suddenly there was silence. Smoke filled the air. Mr. Key didn’t know if the flag was still flying high or not. When he looked out again, the smoke had cleared and the flag was still standing, battered, yet proudly swaying in the wind for all to see. Mr. Key began to write.
Our military had withstood an unbelievable onslaught. The British stopped the attack. They didn’t think Ft. McHenry was worth any more effort. The tide turned because our military withstood all that had happened that night and started the beginning of the end of the War of 1812.
Part 2 Tomorrow
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Women's Roles Within the Church Structure - 8
In the early 80's I worked on Capitol Hill for several years and I would like to share a few experiences with you. I used to cover hearings when NOW or Planned Parenthood were involved. Both organizations were looking for funding to help educate our children on their sexuality. The specific hearing I’m thinking of took place in 1981. Planned Parenthood produced a movie and wanted it shown in our elementary schools. You had to be 18 and older and were carded before entering the room where the movie was to be shown. I sat down next to an African American woman. She was gorgeous, poised, elegant and regal. She was introduced as the President of Planned Parenthood, Ms. Faye Waddleton. She presented her case with intelligence and grace until......
Senator Jeremiah Denton was the Senior Senator of the Title X program hearing. Title X grants government funding to organizations that are approved of by the committee. The movie was shown. It was a couple in the act of intercourse and they were not completely covered. In 1981 the movie would have been considered pornographic. Planned Parenthood wanted this movie shown to our 1st thru 6th graders. Senator Denton denied her petition. Ms. Waddleton stood up and started talking in guttural and graphic language. She changed from a poised career woman to a street wise woman in the blink of an eye.
Near the end of my Capitol Hill career I was taking the Metro, the underground train system, into the city. I was eight months pregnant and was waddling toward the seats saved for pregnant women. Two young men in their early to mid twenties pushed me out of the way, grabbed the two seats and laughed in my face. A woman had to get up and said loudly, “I guess I’ll have to be the man here and let this woman sit in my seat.” They ignored her and the woman gave me her seat. This is another example of feminism at work. Men are taught to disrespect women and women are taught to disrespect men. Our society is out of control because we have adopted and adapted to the feminist principles even to some extent within the church.
God intended for men and women to respect and honor each other. Since Adam and Eve and the fall our roles have been polluted with Satan’s lies. I truly believe that one of Satan’s biggest lies is the feminist movement. Does your belief system come from the Suffragette movement or the Feminist movement? If a person takes the time to look into both issues, it will truly change your outlook on the role of women today, especially within the church.
Earlier, I stated that I’m a Complemetarian and now I’ll add that I’m a Suffragette follower as well. I’m in the minority on the issue of women in church government, especially amongst women. Still, I’m comfortable with who I am. I don’t need to fight man for the top position within my church. I’m completely capable of doing the job, but why would I want to? My opinions are respected and taken seriously by both my husband and the church leaders. My voice is heard and taken into account, and like Deborah, Priscilla and Susan B. Anthony I am content with the purpose and role God has set for me to fulfill within and outside of the church.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Women's Roles Within the Church Structure - 7
Through out history women have been senselessly, and hideously abused. Women have been treated with less respect than cattle in many parts of the world, even today. Through the Suffragette Movement, both Ms. Anthony and Ms. Stanton helped to restore woman’s self respect and dignity by fighting for what they believed were injustices toward women. Both were comfortable with whom they were and their mission in life. They sacrificed a great deal to achieve the goal set out for them. They were jailed because they dared to cast a ballot. They were laughed at and ridiculed. Through their efforts and others like them, massive inroads in helping to restore God’s original plan for women were achieved. Both Ms. Anthony and Ms. Stanton started an avalanche that can not and should not be stopped: Equality for women in the sight of man the way God intended it to be.
Ms. Feldon, the founder of NOW had her own agenda when forming the NOW (feminist) movement. I have been to their rally’s and have heard their intentions. They clearly do not have God’s intended purpose for women as their agenda. They want women to dishonor their marriage vows and raise girls to disrespect men. They want sexual freedoms that I believe would make Sodom and Gomorrah (two cities in the Old Testament that God destroyed mainly because of their sexual license) blush. The feminist’s are pushing for the killing of unborn children and they want children to disrespect and defy their parent’s wishes. They want everyone to believe that each person has control over their own lives and they don’t have to answer to anyone but themselves. Basically, there are no moral absolutes.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Women's Roles Within the Church Structure - 6
Earlier in my article, I started out with defining the two different view points on the issue of woman’s roles in leadership within the church. To refresh, the Egalitarian believes that women can function in any role including the governmental decision making positions. The Complimetarian believes the same, except women cannot function in governmental decision making positions.
Governmental positions within the church is the only thing I can see that God has given strictly to man as a responsibility. God created both men and women in his image and he created us for specific purposes. As a woman I had to question myself and my motives for wanting a top position within the church and that lead me to look into the social issue of Suffragette vs. Feminism movements and how it affects women’s decision making today. Many men and women confuse the Suffragette and Feminist movements. Their motives are completely different and we have to understand the differences in order to make an informed decision on what we believe.
The Suffragette movement began in the middle 1800's with Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Ms. Anthony and Ms. Stanton started working for women’s rights in 1851. They focused on the woman’s right to vote realizing that the injustices against women would not end without women having that right. Ms. Anthony went to Europe in 1888 and helped to form the “International Council of Women” in 48 countries. She also helped to form and was President of the “National American Woman Suffrage Association.”. The 19th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified on August 18, 1920 which allowed women the right to vote. Sadly, Ms. Anthony didn’t live long enough to cast her first legal vote.
The Feminist movement was birthed out of the Humanist movement. In 1966 the “National Organization of Women” was formed. The outward veneer of the organization was to protect women from injustices in the workplace and created the Equal Rights movement. On June 10, 1963 the Equal Pay Act was passed into Federal Law. Women already had the law for equal pay on their side before NOW was formed. Women just needed to be bold enough to implement a law that was rightfully theirs.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Women's Roles Within the Church Structure - 5
People use commentaries to back their beliefs. Commentaries are books, written by people, giving information on scripture background and what the scripture means. When commentaries stick to the inherent word of God that has been translated from the original Greek or Hebrew and/or proven historical documents from the time period in question, they are an invaluable source of information. But, when people begin stating what they believe as undisputed truth in their commentaries, they step over the line into man’s opinion rather than stated fact
All of us must study and learn the truth for ourselves from the word of God, or we may be led astray by believing a commentary’s assertions over the ultimate truth. I’m concerned because I believe that the church is starting to base it’s decision’s on man’s opinion rather than God’s wisdom.
Many of God’s church leaders are beginning to cave to society’s pressure. The issue of homosexuality is a great example. God made it abundantly clear in the Old and New Testament that homosexual behavior is unacceptable to him and his people. Society is telling the church that we are intolerant and are homophob’s. Instead of focusing on Jesus’ truth that we love and accept the person, they focus on the fact that we can not and will not accept a person’s homosexual life style. A lot of the church is caving and many are changing their beliefs to blend in with society.
I strongly believe that the issue of women is being treated in the same way. Society is saying that we, the church, are oppressing women and are not allowing them to reach their full potential. The church is also being accused of intolerance if women are not allowed to be ordained into the Pastoral position. All of us need to check our motives and see what we are basing our decisions on. Are we basing it on truth from the word of God, or societies pressures.
Women in governmental positions within the church is becoming more and more of an issue. If we’re not careful I truly believe that this issue can and will split the church in two. In Genesis, Satan separated men and women over forbidden fruit. Are we once again being tempted by something we shouldn’t have? I encourage all women and men to take the time and study all of the facts, with an open mind, before making an informed decision. Hopefully women will see that there is no threat or indignity geared towards us in choosing to be a Complimetarian. I am secure that women will see the truth and seek the higher ground. My sisters will be confident to make the right decision and not make a decision based on societies pressures. Instead she will make her decision based on the Word of God and walk away.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Women's Roles Within the Church Structure - 4
I am a firm believer in the now and not yet Kingdom of God principle. I believe that when Jesus died the Kingdom of God was once again restored . However, we still live in a fallen state and have to live within the boundaries that we have created for ourselves. I have heard it argued within the now and not yet philosophy that before the fall, Adam and Eve were equal therefore women should be able to function within any church leadership capacity to help restore God’s original design for women.
God created perfection, resulting in paradise. Adam and Eve worked side by side with a personal relationship with God. There was no distinction between them before the fall. After the fall man created a wall between him and God. Some theologian’s debate comes across as if God wasn’t quite aware that the fall would take place and had to put plan B into effect afterwords. God is omniscient and knew before he created everything that Adam and Eve were going to fall and made his plans accordingly from the beginning.
In Genesis 1 it clearly states that God created Adam and Eve to rule over the animals, the produce, the seas and so forth. I see no evidence that they were to rule over man. There is no mention of authoritative structure, let alone church structure before the fall. There was no need, God was their structure.
In heaven we will not be as we are now and what we know ourselves to be. If someone wants to go on the premise of what Eve did before the fall, that's fine. Eve was not given autonomous church governmental authority in paradise. When we finally cross over into our glorious home, heaven, there will be plenty of change, but not what people are debating about. There will be no more sin or need to prove oneself. We will all be unified in God’s unique purpose and plan, so there will be no more need for authoritative structure being in place in order for things to run smoothly. We may not even know or understand what that means since man’s authority over man started after the fall.
Part V, tomorrow
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Women's Roles Within the Church Structure - 3
In the New Testament Egalitarians use the example of Priscilla from the Book of Acts. It states that Priscilla and her husband, Aquinas, led and taught people within their home. Several times in the New Testament, Priscilla’s name is listed before her husband’s. Historically that is astounding, but I have never seen a clear reason for it. Therefore, I believe it needs to be put into context.
If Priscilla was a governmental leader within the church, she would have been recognized and ordained by either Paul, James or Peter, who were the church governmental leaders in their time. One could argue that it may have happened but not stated. I just don’t think that’s possible. God knew that in the next 2000 years woman’s roles within the church structure would become an issue. Since God is the author of the Bible, I have to believe that he wouldn’t leave me or any other women in question as to his intentions on this controversial issue. To put Priscilla in a governmental position, within the church, without fact, is conjecture at best.
Many argue that the Apostle Paul might have contradicted himself on woman’s roles within the different books of the New Testament. Paul wrote more than 1/3 of the New Testament and I believe Paul would not contradict Paul. If he changed his direction and or opinion, he would have said so. Paul clearly stated that women will not teach men. We either believe the word is infallible or not. Too many people make scripture say exactly what they want it to say. Paul’s argument for woman’s role within the church is based on creation in Genesis 1 rather than based on societal issues. He was writing a statement for all time and not just for his day.
Part IV, tomorrow
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Women's Roles Within the Church Structure - 2
Egalitarian’s use specific women in the Bible to substantiate their point of view, but for time’s sake I’m going to discuss one woman from the Old and from the New Testament.
In the Old Testament in the book of Judges is Deborah. She was one of the leaders of the disjointed nation of Israel. She was also a Prophetess. But, was she a Levitical Priest? Some may be scratching their heads at this point and asking what Levitical is? In the book of Exodus, Moses led the children of Israel out of Egypt and into the promised land. God called Moses to be their governmental leader. Moses’ brother Aaron was to be their religious leader. Aaron was from the tribe of Levi. His family, from that time forward would become known as Levitical Priests. Was Deborah from the tribe of Levi? It states that she was the wife of Lappidoth, but nothing else.
Until Jesus’ time only Levites could be priests. They alone made all of the religious decisions in the Old Testament and as far as I can see, they were all male. Deborah was a strong, courageous woman, even a leader of her nation and a Prophetess, but I see no evidence that she was from the tribe of Levi let alone a Priest.
I also want to make another point from the time of Moses. Miriam, Moses’ older sister was a courageous girl and grew to be a strong woman. She led the people of Israel through the Red Sea in worship while escaping from the Egyptians. In Numbers 12, Miriam and her brother Aaron were complaining to one another that they should have just as much authority as Moses. God heard and responded. God called all three together and told Miriam and Aaron that Moses is the most humble man on earth and told them that he talks to Moses personally and asked if they could make the same claim.
God immediately struck Miriam with leprosy. It’s unknown if something was done to Aaron. We’ll never know. Miriam wanted to be a governmental and a church leader of Israel, and was struck with leprosy because of it. Some may ask how I can leap from Miriam wanting church authority when she didn’t state it. Simply. Moses was teaching the people civil and religious structure. If she wanted to be equal, it would have to be in both areas. I don’t hear any Egalitarians bringing up Miriam in their per suite of equality and justice within the church system.
Part III, tomorrow
Monday, June 22, 2009
Women's Roles Within the Church Structure
The top position within the church is the Pastor and the word “Pastor” has changed meanings over the years. Back in the70's and 80's the word “Pastor” meant the person who is the top authority within the church structure. An “Elder” is to function along side with the Pastor in making decisions for the church family they are in charge of.
There are two different meanings for the word “pastor” today. The first still means the person who is the top authority within the church structure. The “Pastor” and/or “Elders” are to be responsible for making governmental decisions for the church body. They create the bylaws, settle doctrinal issues, set the direction of the church and implement the way it should be done.
The second meaning for “pastor”is to guide, care for and help to grow someone in their faith in Jesus Christ. This type of “pastor” may or may not be in a church leadership position. The double meaning of “pastor” is where I believe the great debate begins. Can women function within church leadership and to what capacity?
There are two different points of view. The first is called “Egalitarian.” Egalitarian believes that women can function in all positions, including the top Pastoral and Eldership positions. The second is called “Complemetarian.” Complemetarian believes that women can also function in all positions except the “Pastoral” or “Eldership” positions.
As a woman, I had to ask myself two questions: 1) How is this issue viewed in the Bible; and
2) is the societal issue of feminism affecting my decision making.
Part II Tomorrow
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
When The Bottom Falls Out - 2
A few days after I arrived home I found out that no one had called my husband or reached out to him in any way while I was gone. No one contacted me in any way either. I know people knew because I put the situation on the prayer chain several times during the month.
I was gone for a month and that would be hard on any family member. The church (on a whole) is losing it’s compassion and is falling rapidly into only caring about the people that are in their own circles. I’ve tried not to notice how many people have slipped away simply because no one has noticed. I am now. I’ve had a taste of it for myself. We’re supposed to be family. If one laughs, everyone laughs, if one cries, we all cry. Our church family wasn’t there for us. I wonder if Barry and I didn’t show up, would anyone even notice? Would they care?
I feel as if the foundation stone that supported my beliefs in my family and church family has crumbled.. How do I handle my world falling apart in a month’s time. I feel as if I have a gaping whole inside of my chest cavity that is actually a physical ache. My soul is devastated and my spirit is crushed.
I understand that the Lord works all things for good. I just can’t see it right now. It might be a while before I can. The one thing I’ve learned through all of this is that the Lord is the only constant you can count on. He will never leave nor forsake me. He will show me the way out of this wilderness and he will put my experiences to good use one day. I sincerely hope that one day I can look upon this month and laugh with the remembrances of the Lord’s healing ability. For right now though I can’t laugh, I can only cry.
I ask for your prayers. Not just for me but for all that were involved. My family members that don’t know the Lord will go to hell if something isn’t done. Even with all that has gone on, I don’t want that. I ask for myself also. Please pray that I can heal. I need to see the Lord’s will and what he wants me to do next. My spiritual eyes are blinded right now. The Lord heals the broken hearted, helps the blind to see and the lame to walk. I cry out for healing, justice and vindication. Lord please be my rock, shelter and shield.
Monday, June 15, 2009
When The Bottom Falls Out - 1
Darrell was only 61 years old. He was 3 years older than Gary and 8 years older than myself. He was more of a friend than an uncle. My Uncle was a simple man, but intelligent. He had a learning disability, but that didn’t stop him from loving life. He loved working with the dirt and making things grow. In many ways he was an artist with landscaping.
When I arrived in Virginia. my mom was surprised to see me. She was glad I was there, but said that it wasn’t necessary because she knew Darrell wasn’t in pain anymore. A lot of unhappy things have happened to Darrell over the years and many of the hurts were caused by my own family.
Almost a year ago, Darrell developed an open sore that eventually caused his foot to be amputated. What I didn’t know was that Darrell had given up. He stopped eating and drinking and willed himself to death. That was hard to handle. Darrell was one of the kindest men I ever knew.
I thought that I would only be up in the northeast for 2 weeks. One week for the funeral and the other to spend time with my parents. It didn’t work out that way. Circumstances arose that caused hurt feelings, jealousy, misunderstanding and to a sense: betrayal. Instead of grieving, remembering the good times and saying goodbye to Darrell, a tug of war situation occurred where I was stuck in the middle. I was literally on the phone from 1 to 4 hours a day trying to get things worked out and feelings mended. My mom has a bad heart and I was concerned the whole time for her.
My family has problems just like any other family. I feel as if I’m not as close to certain family members as I once was. I still love them and will honor them, but I don’t know if my relationships with them can ever go back to what they once were. My heart’s breaking over that as well.
Stress was the beginning, middle and end of my day. It surrounded my like a cloud. I was only able to grab 8 hours one day to visit 2 of my many friends that live in the DC area. Every time I tried to get time alone, something valid would come up for me to take care of. By the time I left for home, I was emotionally, spiritually and physically bruised.
End of Part 1, part 2 tomorrow
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
I'll Be Away
I just wanted to let everyone know that I will be out of town for an unforeseeable amount of time. I have to drive home for a death in my family and my mom will need me for awhile. If you could keep me and mine in your prayers, I would greatly appreciate it. I will let everyone one know when I'm back.
Thanks everyone,
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
The Toy Story (Part 2 of Are You Willing To Pay The Price?)
The Toy Story
By: Randall Mooney
May 7, 2009
I built a restaurant a few years ago in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. One morning while eating breakfast at a local Waffle House, I felt a very strong impression in my spirit that the waitress serving me was in desperate need of a word of encouragement. She smiled and gave me the customary, “Welcome to Waffle House,” greeting when I came through the door. As I took my seat at the counter, she wasted no time offering me a cup of coffee. She was polite, diligent, and professional in every way, but I immediately felt a deep sadness in her spirit that was effectively being hidden by the smile on her face.
It was the usual morning rush hour, and the place was packed-out with people hoping to eat breakfast and still get to work on time. I watched her as I ate my food and listened to the Spirit revealing to me her hard and painful past in New Orleans. I strongly suspected she had come here for a fresh start and to break away from the life she had lived in the past. Every time she re-filled my coffee I wanted to give her the word I had in my heart for her, and every time I started to take the plunge she would be called away to her other duties.
When I wrapped up my meal, I decided to write the words to her on the back of my ticket. I only needed to convince her to take my money from the counter instead of paying at the register. I also didn’t want to make a scene or call any attention to myself. In other words, I was hoping for a fast getaway. On the back of the ticket I wrote these words to Toy, the name on her name-tag. “Dear Toy, Jesus loves you more than you will ever imagine!” Then I turned the ticket over, placed my payment with tip on top of it, and made a dash for the door—not looking back.
Well, I was in the middle of the parking lot, half the way to my truck, when Toy came running out of the Waffle House yelling for me to wait. When I turned around, this tall forty-something black woman ran up to me with everyone in the restaurant staring through the glass, and threw her arms around me giving me a huge hug. With tears streaming down her face destroying her make-up, she cried and said, “Mister, I know God sent you here this morning. Today, more than ever, I needed to hear these words. Thank you so very much!”
Although I was really glad God had touched Toy, I was very uncomfortable with this scene in the parking lot and with the show everyone in the store was getting. I thanked her for the hug, and I told her I was glad she got what she needed, and I politely continued toward my truck. She waved goodbye to me and wiped her face on her apron, then held her head high and marched back into the restaurant to finish her shift. I have never seen her again. I don’t know what she told the people in the store, but I do know that God moved, and Toy and I had church in the parking lot of the Waffle House in Baton Rouge.
Very often it only takes obedience and a few words at the right time and in the right place to change a life forever. I guarantee you, neither Toy nor I will ever forget that morning in the parking lot. At least I know her name. I never gave her mine. But the name that does need to be known is Jesus, and that morning he got to have his way. It doesn’t always take a steeple, a pew, and a pulpit to have church. Every day we encounter hurting people hiding behind big smiles. Many of them need hope and are hoping God will give them the slightest touch to get through their struggle. Many of us are hurting and think it is impossible for God to use us to touch someone else with comfort and encouragement. The truth of the matter is that it is God who does the comforting and encouraging, but it is up to us to make contact. Let me encourage you to be sensitive to God’s Spirit and to the needs of those around you, and touch someone today.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Are We Willing To Pay The Price?
Isaiah 61:1-11
The Year of the LORD's Favor
The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me,because the LORD has anointed me
to preach good news to the poor.
He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,
to proclaim freedom for the captives
and release from darkness for the prisoners, a]">[a]
to proclaim the year of the LORD's favor
and the day of vengeance of our God,
to comfort all who mourn,
and provide for those who grieve in Zion—
to bestow on them a crown of beauty
instead of ashes,
the oil of gladness
instead of mourning,
and a garment of praise
instead of a spirit of despair.
They will be called oaks of righteousness,
a planting of the LORD
for the display of his splendor.
They will rebuild the ancient ruins
and restore the places long devastated;
they will renew the ruined cities
that have been devastated for generations.
Aliens will shepherd your flocks;
foreigners will work your fields and vineyards.
And you will be called priests of the LORD,
you will be named ministers of our God.
You will feed on the wealth of nations,
and in their riches you will boast.
Instead of their shame
my people will receive a double portion,
and instead of disgrace
they will rejoice in their inheritance;
and so they will inherit a double portion in their land,
and everlasting joy will be theirs.
"For I, the LORD, love justice;
I hate robbery and iniquity.
In my faithfulness I will reward them
and make an everlasting covenant with them.
Their descendants will be known among the nations
and their offspring among the peoples.
All who see them will acknowledge
that they are a people the LORD has blessed."
I delight greatly in the LORD;
my soul rejoices in my God.
For he has clothed me with garments of salvation
and arrayed me in a robe of righteousness,
as a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest,
and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.
For as the soil makes the sprout come up
and a garden causes seeds to grow,
so the Sovereign LORD will make righteousness and praise
spring up before all nations.
A good friend of mine, Randall Mooney, wrote an article and I asked his permission to post it. He graciously agreed. Randall has a passion for anyone who is down and out and wants everyone to know about Jesus. Randall is very creative in his dealings with people and his article is about a situation that took place recently. I encourage you to be thinking about Isaiah 61. Absorb it and let it speak to you.
Tomorrow will be a continuation of Isaiah 61 in story form. Buckle your seat belts and hold on. You are going on a little journey that can change your life.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Time In A Bottle - 3

Part 3, from yesterday’s post
Jesus brought me to the place where I had to realize that if I wanted him to be the Lord of my life, I had to make the time to be with him. He also brought me to the place where I had to see that his relationship with me was far more important than my relationship with my family, to anyone or anything else. Jesus showed me that he is the reality of my life. Now I had to make a choice. Do I want Jesus more than anything else?
I started to pray and ask Jesus to show me how to change, and to ask how I could make time in my day for him. He’s always faithful. Eventually, I started praying more, which lead to more praise, which lead to more worship. Now, I hunger for his presence.
Have my days, and time schedules changed? Maybe a little, but I seem to have time now to put the Lord into my days. Is it always easy, no, but it’s always worth the sacrifice. Jesus’ sweet presence is far more important to me now than the busyness of my day. I go to bed now with a new sense of accomplishment. Because, all of the things that matter now are being done. I’m actually more energized than I used to be and I go to bed with less exhaustion.
Jim Croce wrote the song, “Time In A Bottle” which seems appropriate:
If I could save time in a bottle
The first thing that I’d like to do
Is to save every day
Till eternity passes away
Just to spend them with you
If I could make days last forever
If words could make wishes come true
I’d save every day like a treasure and then
Again, I’d spend them with you
But there never seems to be enough time
To do the things you want to do
Once you find them
I’ve looked around enough to know
That you’re the one I want to go
Through time with you.
I believe that he wrote this song for his wife. Even though the words were written for someone else I like to sing the song as if it were written to Jesus. A song of an unconditional love that will last all eternity. Wow!